Steven Bartlett Recommended Books

Steven Bartlett is renowned for his insightful discussions on entrepreneurship and personal development that he has with leaders of all industies on his podccast The Diary of a CEO. His book recommendations are highly regarded because they reflect the lessons and philosophies that have propelled his own success and those of his notable guests. This makes his literary suggestions particularly valuable for anyone looking to enhance their personal and professional life. Explore his top book picks that can potentially transform your outlook and strategies.

Who is Steven Barlett?

Steve Bartlett is a prominent Youtuber whose claim to fame is his insightful podcast Diary of a CEO.

What is Steven Bartlett’s background?

Steven Bartlett is best known as a British entrepreneur, author, and speaker. He cofounded the social media marketing agency Social Chain at the age of 22, growing the company significantly before it went public. He stepped down in 2020 of his role as CEO. He also founded 3 other companies: Thirdweb, Flight Story and Flight Fund.

He’s a regular judge on BBC’s Dragon’s Den and dedicates most of his time to his podcast.

What is Steven Bartlett’s interview style?

Steven is known for his extreme sensitivity and emotional intelligence. He has a sort of 6th sense. His interviews are often very emotional, and many of his guests were brought to tears, as Steven has a knack to ask very personal questions. This was the case for Robert Green and even Jordan Peterson.

The history of the Diary of a CEO podcast

Steven launched Diary of a CEO in 2017. As of April 2024, the channel has nearly 300 episodes and more than 5 millions subscribers. The podcast grained a lot of traction during the global Covid-19 pandemic.

Being a young and successful entrepreneur gave Steven Bartlett an edge. He was credible with high ranking figures from the get go, and didn’t have to “climb” his way through various layers of authority, like Lewis Lowes had to.

As mentioned before, his style makes people at ease. His interviews are much appreciated not only by viewers, but for his guests as well.

The production is of the highest quality. He’s one of the few podcasters to open his home to his guests. The setting offers a warm atmosphere, as the episodes are filmed in Steven’s dinning room.

How did we compile this list of books?

In a LinkedIn post, published in 2021, Steven Barlett shared this list, under the title My 10 favourite books of all time.

Steven Bartlett’s Podcaster Book List

The Book

Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions by Johann Hari explores the underlying reasons for depression beyond just chemical imbalances. Published in 2018, the book delves into social, psychological, and environmental factors that contribute to depression and suggests reconnecting with people, values, and meaningful work as part of the remedy. It has been popular in sales, widely praised for its insightful analysis and novel approach to understanding and addressing mental health issues.

About Johann Hari

Johann Hari is a British writer and journalist known for his critique of the current understanding of mental health. His work challenges conventional views on depression and addiction, emphasizing societal and environmental causes. Hari’s books, including “Lost Connections,” have sparked significant discussion and debate.

What Steven Bartlett said about the book Lost Connections?

Steven Bartlett has spoken highly of Johann Hari’s book “Lost Connections,” describing it as having a profound and transformative impact on his life. He credits the book for changing his perspective on how he viewed depression and addiction. Bartlett appreciates Hari’s exploration of the deeper societal issues contributing to these problems, finding it both valuable and crucial for societal awareness.

2. Indistractable by Nir Eyal

The Book

Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life by Nir Eyal, published in 2019, provides a comprehensive guide to overcoming distractions. Eyal offers practical advice and insights on how to understand the psychology behind attention and distractions, and presents techniques for managing time effectively, focusing on tasks, and enhancing overall productivity. The book aims to help readers build habits that support sustained focus and enable them to regain control of their lives.

About Nir Eyal

Nir Eyal is an Israeli-born American author, lecturer, and investor known for his expertise in behavioral design and habit formation. He gained prominence with his book Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products, which explores how to create engaging products. His work focuses on the intersection of psychology, technology, and business, aiming to help people live more productive and fulfilling lives.

What Steven Bartlett said about Indistractable?

In his podcast, Bartlett discussed how the book offers valuable insights into managing attention and focus. He appreciated the practical advice given by Eyal on how to live a more focused and less distracted life, which he found beneficial for personal and professional growth.

3. Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance  

The Book

Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance, released in 2015, is a comprehensive biography of Elon Musk. The book explores Musk’s beginnings, from his youth in South Africa to his impactful ventures in PayPal, Tesla, and SpaceX.

It delves into personal and professional anecdotes, showcasing Musk’s relentless drive and innovative vision. The biography reached best-seller status, offering readers an insightful look into the challenges and triumphs of one of the most pioneering entrepreneurs of modern times.

➡️ For a detailed summary of the book, please head to our article dedicated to Elon Musk’s biography

About Ashlee Vance

Ashlee Vance is an American business columnist and author known for his deep dives into the tech industry. Vance’s writings often explore the personalities and technologies shaping the modern world. He is best known for his Musk biography.

What did Steven Bartlett say about Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance?

In a LinkedIn post, Bartlett stated that it was one of his favorite books.

4. The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen

The Book

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson, first published in 2005, is a self-help book that emphasizes the power of small daily actions that, compounded over time, lead to significant achievements.

Olson shares anecdotes from his own life and others’ to illustrate how seemingly insignificant choices can lead to success or failure. The book teaches readers to cultivate habits that make these positive actions automatic.

It has gained popularity for its practical advice and reached best-seller status, resonating with readers looking to make sustainable changes towards personal and professional success. The philosophy encourages consistency over perfection in everyday habits.

About Jeff Olson

Jeff Olson is an author and entrepreneur. He advocates for simple daily disciplines that lead to significant long-term results. Olson’s work emphasizes personal development and the impact of routine habits on overall life success.

What did Steven Bartlett say about The Slight Edge?

Steven Bartlett has shared that reading The Slight Edge was a transformative experience for him. He found the book’s concept — that small, consistent actions can lead to long-term success — both inspiring and practical. This philosophy influenced him to make positive changes, cultivate good habits, and embrace the idea of mastering the mundane to achieve ongoing success.

5. Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Outliers: The Story of Success

The Book

Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell, investigates the factors that contribute to high levels of success. Through engaging anecdotes like The Beatles’ and Bill Gates’ early experiences, Gladwell argues that success is not simply a result of individual merit but also a product of history, timing, culture, and circumstance. The book, renowned for introducing the ‘10,000-Hour Rule’, quickly became a bestseller after its release in 2008. It offers insights into what makes high-achievers different and challenging conventional wisdom on success.

For a detailed summary of the book, please head to our article dedicated to Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers.

About Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell is a Canadian journalist, author, and speaker known for his unique perspective on popular psychology and behavioral economics. His books, including Outliers and The Tipping Point, have made him a best-selling author, garnering a global following for his thought-provoking views on social phenomena.

What did Steven Bartlett say about Outliers?

Steven didn’t express his opinion directly about Outliers on his podcast, but did qualify it as one of his favorite.

6. The Social Animal by Elliot Aronson  

The Book

“The Social Animal” by Elliot Aronson, first published in 1972, delves into the complex nature of social psychology. The book uses engaging anecdotes to explain how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by social situations. It explores topics like conformity, love, and prejudice through easy-to-understand experiments and analysis. This influential work is a staple in the field of psychology and has been a bestseller, widely used in academics and beyond for its insightful portrayal of human social behavior.

About Elliot Aronson

Elliot Aronson is a renowned American psychologist and a leading expert in social psychology. Known for his experiments on the theory of cognitive dissonance, Aronson’s work has significantly impacted our understanding of human behavior within social contexts.

What were the thoughts Bartlett about The Social Animal?

The podcaster hasn’t shared his thoughts about the book, other than it’s on his 10 favorites list.

7. The Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Iger

The Book

The Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Iger, is a memoir and leadership guide detailing Iger’s tenure at Disney. The book offers an intimate look into his executive decisions that revitalized the company, including the acquisitions of Pixar, Marvel, and Lucasfilm. It’s filled with personal anecdotes and insights into the challenges and triumphs of leading one of the world’s most iconic companies.

About Robert Iger

Robert Iger is an American business executive known for his role as the CEO of The Walt Disney Company from 2005 to 2020. Under his leadership, Disney acquired important entertainement companies, including Pixar, Marvel, and Lucasfilm. Iger is celebrated for his strategic vision and ability to drive innovation and growth.

What did Steven Bartlett say about The Ride of a Lifetime?

Steven Bartlett expressed high regard for Robert Iger’s memoir. He found Iger’s leadership insights, derived from extensive experience at Disney, both relatable and applicable beyond the world of business. Bartlett particularly noted how the book goes beyond mere storytelling, presenting valuable lessons on leadership, decision-making, and innovation.

8. 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson

The Book

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson, offers a mixture of psychology, philosophy, and personal anecdotes. The book outlines fundamental life principles that aim to guide readers towards a meaningful life. Peterson intertwines scientific research with personal stories, such as the significance of standing up straight with your shoulders back, both as a metaphor and a literal posture for life. Garnering widespread attention since it’s publication in January 2018,, the book has reached best-seller status, sparking debate and discussion on the application of Peterson’s rules to life’s complexities.

For a detailed summary of the book, please head to our article dedicated to Jordon Peterson’s 12 Rules to Life.

About Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist, cultural critic, and a former professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. He rose to international prominence through his book 12 Rules for Life, extensive lecture tours, and his opinions, which some view as controversial. His discussions and lectures span psychology, philosophy, and self-improvement, attracting a vast audience.

He has stirred debate with his critiques of feminism and modern cultural trends regarding masculinity, drawing both fervent supporters and outspoken critics. Peterson remains a polarizing intellectual figure in contemporary discourse.

What’s the opinion of Steven Bartlett on 12 Rules for Life?

On his podcast, Steven Bartlett engaged with Jordan Peterson in a conversation that spanned various topics, including personal growth and assertiveness. Though they did not delve into “12 Rules for Life,” Bartlett’s respect for Peterson was evident, as he described the experience as a dream realized, highlighting Peterson’s place as one of the most sought-after guests. Bartlett also indicated that he greatly valued the wisdom gleaned from Peterson’s perspectives.

9. The Chimp Paradox by Professor Steve Peters

The Book

“The Chimp Paradox” by Professor Steve Peters provides an innovative framework for understanding and managing the mind. It introduces the metaphor of the inner “chimp” to represent the emotional part of the brain that can often conflict with rational thinking.

Through anecdotes and accessible language, Peters teaches how to manage one’s chimp for better decision-making and improved emotional health. Published in 2012, the book has been widely praised, reaching best-seller status, and is especially popular among athletes for enhancing mental performance. Peters’ model has empowered many to improve their mental well-being and achieve personal success.

About Professor Steve Peters

Professor Steve Peters is a British psychiatrist, specializing in the functioning of the human mind. He has worked with elite athletes and corporate institutions, helping them to optimize their psychological well-being.

What did Steven Bartlett think of The Chimp Paradox?

The Diary of a CEO host hasn’t piublicaly shared the reasons The Chimp Paradox is one of his favorite books. During his internview, he found his discussion with Professor Steve Peters incredibly enlightening and valuable. Bartlett explored various aspects of mind management with Peters, focusing on how to overcome common barriers to personal success and achieve peace with oneself.

10. The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

The Book

“The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel, explores how personal beliefs and behaviors affect financial decisions.

Housel uses compelling anecdotes to illustrate how different people handle money, highlighting the often irrational nature of financial planning and the importance of understanding one’s own psychology. The book has achieved best-seller status immidiately after its publication 2020.

It is acclaimed for its accessible approach to explaining complex economic concepts through simple, relatable stories.

About Morgan Housel

Morgan Housel is an American financial journalist and author. He’s known for his clear and insightful analysis of economic and behavioral finance. He’s held positions as a columnist at The Motley Fool and The Wall Street Journal, and is currently a partner at The Collaborative Fund.

What are Steven Bartlett’s thoughts on The Psychology of Money?

Steven Bartlett holds “The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel in high regard, listing it among his top 10 favorite books of all time. Additionally, in a podcast episode, Bartlett explored various financial and personal growth topics with Morgan Housel, discussing how to effectively control one’s financial life and the psychological impacts of money decisions.


Steven Bartlett’s selection of influential books provides valuable insights into personal and professional growth. Have any of these titles changed your perspective or approach in life? What other books do you think should be included in this list to provide even deeper understanding? Share your experiences and suggestions in the comments to help others expand their reading horizons.

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