Site Map

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5 thoughts on “Site Map

  1. Excuse me how we can post a sumury I wish post the one of a book witch I really like

  2. Hey Olivier, great list! If you’re interested to possibly add one more, you may want to check out “Compress the Spring: An Innovative Way to Solve Problems and Learn Things Faster” by Aaron Neuhaus.

    It’s a short book about how to learn things and solve problems faster by directly addressing things during the learning process that we tend to avoid. It would be a great addition to the ” Boost Your Productivity & Efficiency” category of the website.

    Full disclosure: I am the author, so if it seems like it would be a good book for your audience, just let me know and I can send a link to the ebook. Regardless, great page!

  3. Dear team,

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    Brian Vital.

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