How Pat Flynn earns more than 20 000 dollars per month with his blog

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Olivier Roland: Hello! My intelligent rebels. Today, I’m sharing with you an interview I did quite a few years ago, in 2011 to be exact, with the infamous Pat Flynn of the blog “Smart Passive Income.”

I met Pat Flynn in San Diego. At that time, I was living in California for three months, from June 2011 to September 2011 and I did like a grand tour from LA to San Francisco, to Death Valley, to Las Vegas, then, to Palm Springs then to San Diego.

And I knew that Pat was living there. We already exchanged by mail because I wrote an article about him on my blog and it brought him quite a bit of traffic. He noted that and started to comment on my French blog.

So, when I was in San Diego, I told him “Hey, why not meet and do an interview now for my French Channel?” So now, I read the interview of 2011. At that time, Pat Flynn was making $20,000 a month with his blog and now, it’s more like $200,000 on his blog.

How do I know that? Well, Pat Flynn is like the embodiment of transparency. On his blog, the Smart Passive Income, he shares every month exactly how much money he makes and how much money he spends. So, it’s very interesting and inspiring for a lot of people to see that and to see how it grows from year to year.

Without further ado, here is the interview.

Hello Pat.

Pat Flynn: Hi.

Olivier Roland: You are famous for your blog “The Smart Passive Income” where you share great techniques and strategies about how to earn passive income on the internet.

Before we begin this interview, can you tell us what is the monthly traffic of your blog and how much money you make on average so all viewers can have an idea of your success?

Pat Flynn average traffic success story

Pat Flynn: Sure. Well, I guess daily average traffic, averaged about 6,000 unique visitors a day.

Olivier Roland: Wow, okay.

Pat Flynn: Average monthly income I guess… I mean it varies and it’s been increasing for the last three years since I’ve started doing this. But I would say average now about USD 25,000 to 30,000 a month.

Olivier Roland: Wow.

Pat Flynn: So, it’s good. I’m very happy and lucky to be where I am and I’m always happy to share my story. So, thank you for having me.

Olivier Roland: Yeah, I’m really glad that you are here. I always want to show to French people the success of other bloggers. For the moment, a lot of American bloggers are successful. Not a lot of French but I want to change that, so “People, listen carefully to what Pat will say.”

So Pat, can you tell us how did you start on the internet? What is your story?

Pat Flynn: Sure. I guess I can start after I graduated from college. I graduated college with a degree in architecture and I started working in an architecture firm. And I really loved the job. I was planning to continue to do architecture for the rest of my life. I really loved it, I was very passionate about it.

And then in October, … Actually before October, in 2008 in the US, the economy just was terrible and it was decay worldwide really. And so, a lot of people were getting laid off, losing their jobs, and I was one of those people.

That was a really tough time for me. I lost my job, I was engaged to get married and I wanted to start a family and support the family and I didn’t know what I was going to do for money.

Luckily, when I was still working, I had created this blog about a test or an exam that I was taking. The exam was for the LEED exam – L E E D – which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. I don’t expect you to know what that means, but it’s basically an exam that people in the architecture industry, construction, and building industry take, that deals with sustainable architecture, green buildings, healthy buildings, environmentally friendly buildings.

So, I passed this test. I created the site basically to help me keep track of my notes because I was traveling a lot. The books for the exam were very large and were hard to travel with. So, I put my notes online, so I could access them from a laptop or a workstation wherever I was traveling.

And also, I let my co-workers who were interested in the exam as well use the site to help them pass the exam. And we all passed, we all did well and I just let the blog sit there and never did anything with it, never thought about making money from it.

When I lost my job though, that’s when I discovered this thing called internet marketing and I had a lot of people who influenced me to give it a shot. I was listening to audio and podcasts of people who were doing successful things online. And before, I was just listening to it for fun but now that I kind of have this need to make money and I had this blog, I said to myself “Well, I’ll give it a shot. I really have no other choice.”

And there was really no other choice because people in the architecture industry were not hiring at all. They were still firing. So, there was no… no other… I mean I could work with McDonald’s or trying internet marketing. So, I gave internet marketing a shot.

One of the first things I did was turn the comments on my site and also just checked the kind of traffic on my site, not expecting anything whatsoever. The next day after I checked that, I learned that thousands of people from around the world were on my site every day, helping them…

It’s a worldwide exam. I didn’t even know it was a worldwide exam. People from around the world, 3,000 – 4,000 – 5,000 unique visitors a day were using my notes to help them pass the exam.

Olivier Roland: You didn’t know that before.

Pat Flynn: I didn’t know that was happening and I learned about it and it scared me at first. I didn’t know how… I didn’t understand about keyword research or Google and how all that worked. But apparently, all the great information that I put in my notes, Google found it, and then people found it through Google when they were searching for those keywords.

So, I was getting all this traffic, then, I started to learn as much as I could about internet marketing. The first thing I did was put advertising on the site through Google AdSense.

I remember my very first click, I think I earned like 25 cents or something.

Olivier Roland: Woohoo

Pat Flynn: And it was a big deal. I mean, that’s not very much money now but to just put…

Olivier Roland: Yeah. You see that you could earn money on the internet.

Pat Flynn: Yeah, it was amazing. I mean now, that’s really what changed it for me. And so, I explored it more, I optimized where I put the advertisement, what color they were, what size…

Then, I was making $20 – 30 a month which again, it’s not very much money but it was something. And I used that as a kind of encouragement to keep learning about this even more and try to make more money.

The next thing I did was, I contacted companies related to this test to do private advertising on the site. So, I would rent space on the site for $100 – 200 a month to have them put an ad on it. And I got a few people to bite on that. So then, I was making $300 – 400 a month at that point, which was great. It was great money but still not enough to live off of.

Olivier Roland: Yeah. So, when was it?

Pat Flynn: This was in December of 2008.

Olivier Roland: Okay.

Pat Flynn: And that’s when I joined the mastermind group because I wanted to learn as much as I could. I had these experts telling me what I should do and one of them said “You should write an e-book study guide for your website. You have a ton of traffic, you have… The information is already there. Just put it in an e-book, sell it for $20 – 30 – 40 and see how it goes.”

And at first, I said, “I don’t know, that sounds like a lot of work.” I didn’t know how to do it but I finally just kept asking, kept searching for information about how to do it. I did it. In about a month and a half, I completed my e-book, sold it on the website. The very first month, I had earned about $8,000.

Olivier Roland: Wow. $8,000!

Pat Flynn: From that one e-book, a little electronic e-book that was about 50 pages long. And then, the next month, I think I had made $10,000; $12,000 the next month. And then, I went back to my mastermind group and I said “Thank you guys so much, you guys did so much for me. What’s my next step?”

I wanted to just take it even further, and then the same guy who recommended doing the e-book, he said “You should do an audiobook. Just have someone read your e-book. Put it into an mp3 file and sell that with your e-book.”

So, I did that and it was… My income doubled. I was earning $18,000 – 19,000 a month. In March of 2009, I had just gotten married. I went to Hawaii for half a month. I had earned a record $30,000 that month. Pretty much all passive, which means, I can earn that money without having to be present in the transaction. I was in Hawaii half the month and earning $30,000. I was getting paid to go on a honeymoon basically and I was just…

Olivier Roland: That’s incredible.

Pat Flynn: I couldn’t believe it, it was so incredible. And the way that happens is because the way the website is set up which is very based on Tim Ferriss in “The 4-hour Work Week,” in his model which is creating something that can be automated and taking yourself out of the equation whether you have to do it with VAs or services or whatever.

Create a business but then take yourself out of it and let it run on its own, and that’s what I did. So, I have these services where people can go to the website, they can buy the e-book. Once they make the purchase, it gets delivered to them via email and then money goes into my account.

I don’t have to be there for anything to happen. I wake up in the morning, there’s more money in my account, I mean it’s…

Olivier Roland: You make money by sleeping.

Pat Flynn: I make money by sleeping.

Olivier Roland: It’s incredible.

Pat Flynn: And it sounds really weird, and I never would have thought this is possible but it’s happening. And so at that point, I was doing so well, so grateful for everything that had happened. My entire life changed because of internet marketing and this blog I had.

So, I started the website which you mentioned earlier, which is where most people know me from, the “Smart Passive Income” blog. And this was my blog where I talked about what happened to me, my other business and why that business became so successful and trying to help other people to find things that they’re good at and share it with the world and make money doing whatever they want with their passion, with an emphasis on trying to automate the process and take yourself out of it.

It was a really slow ride. I wanted to give up on the blog several times.

never give up pat flynn earns with his blog

Olivier Roland: Oh, really?

Pat Flynn: Oh yeah. I almost terminated it three or four times, just because I wasn’t getting any traffic, the people commenting were the same. You know, I wasn’t reaching any new audiences but I kept going with it.

Olivier Roland: When did you create it?

Pat Flynn: I created it in October of 2008.

Olivier Roland: Okay.

Pat Flynn: It was about a year, very little traffic.

Olivier Roland: Wow.

Pat Flynn: Very little interaction. And, it was only after some time, I mean it just happened. I didn’t really do anything but certain people found me and shared my story. And it just kind of exploded from there. I know I was featured on Entrepreneurs Journey with Yaro.

Olivier Roland: Yeah.

Pat Flynn: I was featured on with Darren Rowse, one of the biggest blogs in the world. And, people learned about me and things took off from there. And then, I have a very successful YouTube channel now. I have videos, about 700,000 views on those videos now. I have a very successful podcast where I have a podcast on iTunes. And iTunes is doing a really good job of helping me find new audiences, new people to learn about me, my story, and my brand. And now, this blog with “Smart Passive Income blog” is making over $20,000 a month by itself.

Olivier Roland: But at the beginning, you didn’t think of it as a way of making money. Right?

Pat Flynn: Oh, no. Originally, I didn’t even create it to make money. It was based…

Olivier Roland: But just to share your…

Pat Flynn: Just to share. Just kind of like what happened with the first site.

Olivier Roland: Yeah.

Pat Flynn: And people appreciate it when you share as much information as possible, just like you’re doing with your audience.

Olivier Roland: Yeah.

Pat Flynn: And a lot of people, not everyone but a lot of those people will try and repay you somehow, whether it’s buying your own product or going through an affiliate link or just sharing you with someone else who might buy your product or purchase through an affiliate link.

Olivier Roland: Yeah, that’s true. When you create a lot of good content, people want to pay you as a result.

Pat Flynn: Oh, yeah. It’s crazy.

Olivier Roland: With my first product “Agir et Réussir”, there were some customers that bought it only to thank me. They sent me an email “You know, Oliver, I don’t really need your product but you…”

Pat Flynn: That’s what happened to me too.

Olivier Roland: Yeah, you too. So yeah, it’s really important to put great content on your blog to share it with passion. There are a lot of interesting things that you share with us. I think the first thing is that you didn’t work much to put your notes on the web. You could have taken your notes on your computer and didn’t publish it on the internet. You just choose to publish it on the Internet. I think a lot of people can do that actually.

Pat Flynn: Oh, yeah.

Olivier Roland: It’s a way to start. A lot of people have really good content on their computer just for themselves, and they don’t think about publishing it on a blog.

Pat Flynn: Yeah, that’s a great point.

Olivier Roland: Yeah, you can do that. Perhaps, on your computer right now, you have good things that you wrote for yourself. And, you can just publish them, it will take you like 5 minutes to do that.

Pat Flynn: Yeah.

Olivier Roland: And Google will begin to send you traffic and perhaps you’ll have a good surprise like Pat.

Pat Flynn: Yeah. It was a very nice surprise. I mean, it takes time.

Olivier Roland: Yeah.

Pat Flynn: I tell the story to people and they’re like “Wow. One day, you write an e-book, and then all of a sudden you have all this money now.” But the reality was, I had this blog about the exam for a year, sharing my notes and all the stuff was happening underneath my nose without me knowing it.

And it was after I built that trust and authority as the expert. Nobody else was writing this information. I was the only one publishing it online. So, people saw me as the expert. When I came out with my book, it was really quick to sell because, first of all, the free content was great. So, people probably thought to themselves “Well, if the free content is good, just imagine what the paid content is like.”

And secondly, like you said, they just want to thank me for helping them pass the exams. Some of them already passed the exam and said “Well, I’m just going to buy your book anyway. It’s because you helped me so much”. It’s just amazing.

So, yeah, probably just doing something, getting it online for people and for Google to see…

Olivier Roland: Doing.

Pat Flynn: Executing.

Olivier Roland: Taking action.

Pat Flynn: Yeah, exactly.

Olivier Roland: Okay. So, you advocate not only to make money on the internet but make it passively or the more passively as possible. So, can you tell us how many hours do you work per week now?

Pat Flynn: That’s a funny question because I work pretty hard but all the work I do now is for new projects, for things that I’m creating to be automated in the future. So, I could literally stop everything I’m doing, not work, I mean maybe work 1 or 2 hours a week and still make $20,000 – 30,000 a month.

I try to work only four hours a day because I have a family and I want to spend most of my time with my son and my wife. So, four hours a day is pretty average. If I have something I’m working on that needs to come out, I work 8 – 9 hours. Then, the next day, I’ll just take it all off.

I mean that it’s not a 100% hands-off. For the exam book, for example, it wasn’t a 100% passive because some people had questions and I had to answer emails. But that month of March, when I was in Hawaii, I literally spent 2 hours working that entire month, just answering emails.

Olivier Roland: Wow.

Pat Flynn: And that was a record month for me. So, yeah, I’m working hard now on new projects and also the blog itself; writing on a blog is not passive at all. You have to constantly produce content and stuff, but you can use it as a platform to launch products that become passive or to launch courses or put affiliate links or whatever.

That stuff, once you publish it, it’s published for good. And it’s always up there for people whether they find you through Google, whether they find you through a reference from another website or a friend or a recommendation, it’s always an opportunity for you to make money.

So again, going back to just putting stuff out there, publishing it. And I like to think of it as planting seeds. You plant a seed and you’re not going to get a plant the next day. But if you just keep planting seeds, you’re going to have a whole forest eventually if you just keep…

to plant a seed for a forest earns money with a blog

Olivier Roland: I like this picture.

Pat Flynn: Yeah. Or maybe a cornfield since you can eat corn and I like corn.

Olivier Roland: Yeah. But it’s like Tim Ferriss advocates in his book. People don’t realize that when you have a muse that is working, you don’t have to go to the beach each day. If you want, you can work actually just because you like it.

Pat Flynn: Yeah.

Olivier Roland: You have the freedom to choose what you want to do, and if you want to choose to work, you can do that because it’s…

Pat Flynn: Yeah. I’m choosing to work.

Olivier Roland: Yeah, because you like it, you love it.

Pat Flynn: Yeah. Oh, I love it. I mean, it doesn’t even feel like work because I enjoy it so much.

Olivier Roland: Yes. It’s my next question actually. I asked that to every entrepreneur I meet because I think it’s really an interesting question. What is your definition of work? For example, do you think that this interview is work?

Pat Flynn: That’s…

Olivier Roland: That’s a… yeah, I know.

Pat Flynn: I see… I could take a scientific approach to it and say “Well, if it takes energy then, it takes work.”

Olivier Roland: Okay.

Pat Flynn: But I think in terms of work in the traditional sense, like a 9-to-5 type of thing, work is getting money as a direct result of the time you spend into it, so, a one-to-one proportion. I work 5 hours, I get paid 5 hours. I work 10 hours, I get paid 10 hours.

So, instead of saying “work” for this type of passive income we’re talking about, we might want to talk about it as an “investment.” You’re investing 5 hours for a lifetime of continued income. Once you finish that product, the work is done.

Olivier Roland: Yeah, and it works for you. What you have done work for you for the future. It is the difference.

Pat Flynn: You’re investing your time now, so…

Olivier Roland: It’s an incredible difference, yeah. So for you, work is exchanging your time for money. Only it is?

Pat Flynn: Yeah.

Olivier Roland: Yeah. Okay, so this interview is not a work at all.

Pat Flynn: No, no.

Olivier Roland: It’s for fun.

Pat Flynn: Because, I mean… Yeah, I would say so.

Olivier Roland: Okay.

Pat Flynn: But you know, as a result of this, other people out there are getting something from it too. So, it doesn’t require work to make a difference. That’s what I’m saying.

Olivier Roland: Yeah. And actually, we enjoy to do this interview. It’s fun, a lot of sun before we had a good lunch together and I think we are creating value. You can judge that. If you are looking right now at the video after a few minutes, I think it provides good value to you and you can see that it’s not hard work. You are not like “Oh, my God when will it be finished?”

And you can do the same thing, you can just live your passion and you will not feel that it’s work at all. And yeah, the way of seeing it… the way Pat sees it, you build each day something that will be here the next day and that will work for you. And after that, you’ll have a huge company that works for you and will give you a lot of money and freedom to do what you want.

Pat Flynn: Yeah. I call it a portfolio, a passive income portfolio. If you go to my blog, every month I write an income report where I share exactly where my income is coming from, every single product that earns me fully income and all the products that I have in and advertisement money, everything. I have about 40 to 50 different avenues of income coming back to me.

Olivier Roland: Avenues.

Pat Flynn: Yeah.

Olivier Roland: Okay.

Pat Flynn: So, the good thing about that is, it’s diverse. So, if one of them for example shuts down, I still have all the other ones to pick up the slack.

Olivier Roland: So, you’re not dependent on one source of income.

Pat Flynn: Exactly.

Olivier Roland: It’s really important. Yeah, we have a set story of people that made a lot of money with Google AdSense and all of a sudden, nothing, because Google shut down their account or something else. Yes. So, you share on your blog each month all your income with… it’s really precise.

Pat Flynn: Yeah, it’s down to the penny.

Olivier Roland: Yeah. I urge you if you don’t know the “Smart Passive Income” blog to go to Pat’s blog and see the monthly income report. It’s really instructive. And now, your blog is making about $20,000 a month. It’s mainly affiliate income, right?

Pat Flynn: Yeah, it’s monthly affiliate income and then, the crazy thing about it is, I’m not forcing anyone to buy anything. It’s just purely recommendations based on what I’m doing. So, I show people how I do something and I share “Okay, these are the products or services that I am using to go along with it.”

Maybe it’s using Elance to hire a virtual assistant, for example. I say “Oh, I use Elance to hire a virtual assistant.” And then, I put an affiliate link in there and every time someone goes to my link to hire a virtual assistant or do whatever it is that they want to do. I get a commission from it.

So, I’m not a car salesman, I’m not pushy or aggressive and I think in this day and age, you have to be… that’s the way you have to approach it because people online now are very protective and very judgmental about how they’re presented things.

If someone tries to sell them something, immediately there’s that defense like “No” or “No, this is a scam or something’s wrong.” So, the best thing you could do is not even sell anything but share how the thing that you’re selling is going to help them or how it’s helping you so it can help them too.

Olivier Roland: That’s great advice. Yeah, thanks. So, what is your opinion are the best strategies you used to have success with your blog?

Pat Flynn: Honestly, give away as much free information as possible, and it kind of ties into everything we just talked about. But I find that the more I give away for free and hold nothing back, the more I get back in return. It’s a really weird thing but I don’t know if it’s because of karma or just because somebody up there is very…

Olivier Roland: Happy?

Pat Flynn: Happy or… But with my LEED exam site, with the “Smart Passive Income” blog, and all the other things I have created, the more information I gave away for free, the more I get back in return. It’s really weird how that happens.

Olivier Roland: How do you answer these common questions that is how do you sell products if you give all this information for free?

Pat Flynn: That’s a good question and I’m glad you brought that up because that’s something that I was worried about with my LEED exam website because I had already posted everything. People could just go on the website and pass the exam without paying for my product.

But, people will pay for something that is packaged, that looks nice, and that will hold their hand. People want… And also psychologically, people like to buy things and they feel that as a result of buying something, they’re going to… something’s going to happen.

So, even though the information was the same: about 95% of what was in my e-book was already on my website, almost word-for-word, I had sold over 12,000 copies. Not one person complained about it being the same because I made sure that the product that they bought was the very high quality, it was packaged very nicely and it really explained everything thoroughly and looked very professional so that it was worth the $30-40 they paid.

Olivier Roland: Okay. These are 2 good points: if you are a blogger right now, first, you can just use your content, the content that you already created to make a product, and second, you already have all the skills you need to create a product because if you can write an article, you can write an e-book. It’s just a longer article.

Pat Flynn: Yeah, exactly.

Olivier Roland: Or a collection of articles. A lot of bloggers are afraid of creating their first product but they don’t realize that they can do that pretty easily. They just have to do it, to make the first step. I think you were afraid to create your first product, right? Your first e-book…

Pat Flynn: Yeah. I was scared.

Olivier Roland: But now, it’s so easy for you to create an e-book. If you want to create an e-book, you can do that.

Pat Flynn: Yeah and if you want to do a course, for example on my website I taught people how to create a niche site, step-by-step, detailed, exactly how to do it for free in about 10 to 15 different blog posts.

Olivier Roland: Yeah, I followed that.

Pat Flynn: Every step is there but I still launched a coaching course with webinars and weekly meetings and stuff for $799, open to only 30 spots because it’s more one-on-one, so I don’t want to take on too many people because there is some time involved.

We had over 120 people sign up or apply for a 799-dollar product that had the same material as what was… what you could find for free on the blog. And again, people just want… they don’t want to just buy something to buy something. They want to buy something knowing that there’s going to be someone there to help them too. That’s the nice thing about going the course route is that they will have someone there to guide them.

So, if you don’t think an e-book is right for you, a course maybe is the right way to go and you can charge more because your time is worth something, it should be. And, people surprisingly are willing to pay for that even if they know the information is the same. They want more interaction than just content on a blog.

someone to help you to sell a product coaching online earns with his blog

Olivier Roland: Absolutely. I think we had a good view of what you did, what you are doing, and what are you planning for the future?

Pat Flynn: Ah, let’s see. Well, I’m actually working on my own product right now. I don’t have any products for sale of my own on the Smart Passive Income blog yet.

Olivier Roland: Seems like the logical next step.

Pat Flynn: Seems like the logical next step. A lot of people have been asking me. I know it’s funny because like I said, you give away a ton of content, people would just want to repay you. I’ve had people email me, saying “You need to come out with a product. I don’t care what it is. I want just to pay it, pay you for it”.

That’s really weird to hear them say that, but it’s a really good motivating factor to do that. The thing is, I don’t want to just throw out a random product. I want to be good. So, I’m really working hard right now to create a product. I’m not going to tell. I haven’t announced exactly what it is yet but, it’s going to be an online membership that walks you through how to do certain things and it’s going to be… I’m focusing really long time on the user interface: the design, the experience that people will have going through this particular course. That’s very important to me and I think it’ll be… the way I’m doing is going to help stand out because there are other courses like it, but I know I have a good following and a good brand that people are interested in.

And then, I just keep doing what I’m doing, keep trying to reach new audiences, experiment with new passive income opportunities, and share those things and report how they’re doing so that anyone out there can… if I do something right, can follow the same way, or if I do something wrong, can just avoid doing that.

Olivier Roland: Yeah. That can be useful though.

Pat Flynn: Yeah.

Olivier Roland: Okay, great. To finish this interview, can you give a few pieces of advice for the beginners that want to have success with their blogs?

Pat Flynn: Sure. The first thing I want to mention is to just don’t be afraid of failing. That was a big thing for me especially with the e-book that I have sold. I was afraid that if I sold it, it wasn’t going to sell at all. I was really afraid of that.

You have to ask yourself what is the worst thing that can happen? With any decision or anything you want to do, what is the worst that can happen? And usually, when you really think about it, it’s not that bad. The worst thing that can happen if I sold my e-book is nobody buys it and it’s a learning experience.

I learned not to do that. But, obviously, I’m glad that I took the plunge; it’s kind of a leap of faith sometimes, and honestly, things went really well. So just to not be afraid of failing and know that every time you fail, you are one step closer to reaching your goal as long as you learn from your mistakes.

So, apply what you learned, expect to fail. I’ve failed hundreds of times.

Olivier Roland: Me too.

Pat Flynn: But, the more you fail, the closer you’re going to get to where you want to go.

Olivier Roland: Yeah.

Pat Flynn: That’s the first thing. The second thing, before this train comes, is to take bold actions. We talked about taking action and getting something out there, but what really will take your business, your blog, or your idea to the next level, is taking bold actions. Doing something that’s probably going to be a little bit uncomfortable for you and that kind of goes back to a little bit of not being afraid to fail, stepping out of your comfort zone, taking bold actions, doing something drastic to help you in your business. Something that isn’t normal because when…

Olivier Roland: Something that isn’t normal. Yeah, I love that.

Pat Flynn: Something that isn’t normal. People get used to things that are normal and we only talk about the abnormal things. So, why not you do something abnormal and get people to talk about you that way.

Olivier Roland: That’s great advice. A lot of people just watch videos and read articles and say “Wow, that’s great” and they do nothing. Don’t be one of them, just take action and bold actions that are not normal, I love that.

Pat Flynn: Thank you. I can’t take credit for that either. That was something I learned that I’m always happy to pass on because that made a big effect on me. That was from my mastermind group: write an e-book, bold action.

Olivier Roland: Yeah when you combine bold action with not to fear of failing, you can’t be wrong, you will just progress. Okay, you will fail sometimes but one day or another, you will reach your goal with more options than if you should just be in your house watching TV.

Pat Flynn: Yeah. If you don’t take action, there is really no chance. I mean, there isn’t.

Olivier Roland: Yeah.

Pat Flynn: No money, you’re not just going to have money in your mailbox, the next day. It’s just…

Olivier Roland: It will not rain money “Oh, money”. No, it will not happen.

Okay. So, thanks a lot Pat for your history, your insight, your strategies that you shared with us. I hope that you learned a lot of things so now, after this video, just take action.

So, thanks, Pat.

Pat Flynn: You’re welcome, thank you. Thank you for having me.

Olivier Roland: Thank you for watching my intelligent rebels. I hope you were inspired by Pat Flynn and also you can now see how he grew since this interview.

In complement to this video, feel free to receive a next track of my upcoming book in English, which is already a bestseller in French, “3 principles to win in every field of your life backed by science.” If it sounds too good to be true, well, be a good skeptic and see by yourself. So, to see it, just click on the thumbnail which appears here. Also, feel free to watch this complementary video. Click on the button to subscribe to the channel. See you next time and in the meantime, don’t forget: be intelligent, be a rebel and be part of the people who start an online presence and grow like crazy. Ciao!


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