5 Books on Personal Finance and Wealth | Brief Summaries and Review

In this article, you will find brief summaries and my review of 5 must-read books on personal finance/wealth!

Among these works, those who have aged remain references in the field of personal finance and provide advice that is still sound and adapted to our time. Meanwhile, those that are more recent books on finance are intended to assist us with thoroughly modern tools and practices. They can sometimes come as a bombshell and demolish precepts acquired from our early childhood!

One thing is certain, you will inevitably find your happiness, and why not wealth, among this list of finance books!

Discover the Must-Reads | Summaries and Reviews of 5 Books on Finance and Wealth

Here is the list of 5 books on personal finance/wealth that are presented in this article:

  1. Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich: With one of the most famous books on finance, you will adopt a philosophy of enrichment and develop it every day in your professional and family life.
  2. Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad Poor Dad: Among these books on finance and wealth, this one will truly make you understand that wealth is not inevitable: you will learn to choose the right investments and quickly move to action.
  3. MJ DeMarco‘s “The Millionaire Fastlane: Go on a journey to your final destination, your financial success, remembering that the journey is more important than the outcome.
  4. The One Minute Millionaire” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen: Get your business off the ground by applying the authors’ advice and drawing inspiration from the personal story of an American mother.
  5. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker: Realize that you are in the best position to evolve your personal financial plan that will lead you to success.

In short, the main idea that emerges from these 5 books on finance and wealth is that it is wise to create your own luck rather than wait for it to come to you, and that you can progress quickly by carrying out small actions on a daily basis. Therefore, there is actually the consolation of understanding that you do not have to graduate from a top school to achieve your goals. Nor is it necessary to come from of a great and rich family to fulfill your investor dreams.

Finally, personal finance and wealth is a true philosophy of life! You will realize, through these readings, that you are your own decision maker and the only master on board when it comes to your financial development. You will also learn that to take off financially, you have to surround yourself with the best (optimistic and ambitious people) and know how to give in order to receive.

So, ready to begin your personal financial development and, who knows, awaken the millionaire within you?

1. “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

Think and get rich

By Napoleon Hill, 1937, 250 pages

Think and Grow Rich” is one of the most widely read books on personal finance and wealth in the world. Although it dates from 1937, this book remains an essential reference!

Napoleon Hill was an American personal development author who, in this book, identifies the keys to the prosperity of the 500 richest people of his time. He likes to say that “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can do”. After 20 years of research on wealth, the author encourages you to overcome the obstacles that are holding you back. And by delivering them to you, he provides the impetus towards your own success!

Napoleon Hill’s 13 Principles of Financial Success…

In “Think and Grow Rich”, the author develops, through 13 chapters, the 13 common principles identified among the wealthiest people in the world:

  1. Desire
  2. Faith
  3. Auto-suggestion
  4. Specialized Knowledge
  5. Imagination
  6. Organized Planning
  7. Decision
  8. Persistence
  9. Power of the Master Mind
  10. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
  11. The Subconscious Mind
  12. The Brain
  13. The Sixth Sense

Together in a Single Secret!

Throughout the book, a secret lurks without ever being really identified. The only certainty is that it is not a question of having superb intellectual capacity and that:

  • Before being successful, one must have experienced failure, the two being inextricably linked.
  • In addition to being determined, it is necessary to be inhabited by desire, the starting point of all professional and personal success.

Napoleon Hill then teaches you how to convert your own desires into cash, while defying the impossible. Assisted by your faith (understanding your auto-suggestion), you will develop positive thoughts conducive to your success.

Imagination, Decision, and Persistence are the Fundamentals of Leadership

Through creative imagination, Napoleon Hill explains that it is possible to convert your best ideas into resounding projects. This requires:

  • Being organized
  • Having specific plans in place
  • Not hesitating to reassess this organization in case of failure.

Once in your status as a decision-maker, you will be able to appreciate the weight of your initiatives and persevere.

The Sixth Sense and the Ghosts of Fear

You must surround yourself with invisible advisers who are great men whom you admire. Then, you will develop a sixth sense that will get your business off the ground:

  • By taming the ghosts of fear that inhabit every entrepreneur: you will avoid problems for yourself. They are often the result of the fear of coming across them.
  • Imaginary excuses are all destructive thoughts that inevitably lead to failure.

The good thing is that thinking can be controlled and nurtured for ultimately achieving your own success.

Review of the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

With this book, Napoleon Hill provides timeless tips for professional success, all while enriching one’s mind. By learning from their mistakes, everyone is able to follow their desires and succeed in their financial project. With the help of numerous examples, the author lays out actions to be implemented on a daily basis. For getting rich is not an isolated goal, it is about acquiring a philosophy of success and achievement.

Strong points:

  • An extremely motivating book that encourages us to take action (actions to be carried out on a daily basis).
  • An easy and enjoyable read, with many examples.
  • The “timeless” aspect of the book in these principles.
  • Beyond the tips for becoming rich, this is a true self-help book that teaches an interesting philosophy of life.

Weak points:

  • The very American mindset is not always in line with how people perceive money in other cultures (like in French culture, for example).
  • Some examples have aged and are therefore not very meaningful.

My rating : image image imageimageimageimageimageimageimage

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2. “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki

By Robert Kiyosaki, 2001, 240 pages

If you are interested in books on personal finance, then surely you have heard of the famous book, “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, written by Robert Kiyosaki.

Robert Kiyosaki is an investor who has made real estate his specialty and his fortune. Starting from nothing, he learned lessons from those around him. He studied the differences between his dad (the poor one) and the one he considers his adoptive dad (the rich one). He was born in 1947, and admits that if he were younger, he probably would have set his sights on the Internet. However, we cannot change history. His is that of success. He has published 18 books, 3 of which were in the New York Times top 10.

The Autobiographical Story of “Rich Dad Poor Dad

The book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is the author’s autobiographical story. It tells us how he was marked during his childhood by the two opposing visions of his two fathers:

  • His biological father: employed, highly educated but “poor”
  • His spiritual father: no diploma, entrepreneur and “rich”.

Robert Kiyosaki tells us how, thanks to the financial literacy of his spiritual dad, the “rich dad”, he achieved financial success and became a successful entrepreneur.

Be Your Own Boss and Learn Continuously

Robert Kiyosaki stresses that the system teaches us how to be a good employee, not a good employer. However, according to Robert Kiyosaki, “Being an employee is a short-term solution and a long-term problem.” Indeed, there is little point in climbing the corporate ladder when you can own it yourself. To be a good entrepreneur, you need to have certain essential knowledge, which is not generally taught in the school system, such as accounting, investment strategy, the law of the market or even general law.

To succeed financially, all you need to do is sniff out opportunities, know how to raise funds and surround yourself with the best employees.

Putting Your Money to Work

Stock Market

For the author, it is essential to know the differences between assets and liabilities. The first generates income, while the second causes expenses.

Many of us think that having acquired a primary residence is an asset, and that is totally wrong. Taking into account the many years worked to obtain it, one can consider it as an investment at a loss. Thus, the author advises instead to start by investing in rental property, and only then, use this income to finance the purchase of your own residence. With your rental investment, you will be able to build a diversified portfolio and increase your financial strength.

Energize the Financial Wonder within You

Rather than figuring out what you want to be, find out what you don’t want to be. By surrounding yourself with friends and creative collaborators, you will be motivated to hone your free will and advance in your convictions.

Kiyosaki develops three other major ideas:

  • Be eager to learn new things about finance every day: action is your best ally and curiosity opens the way to success.
  • Do not waste your money but use it to invest.
  • Pay your employees well, you will instill in them the desire to devote themselves to your business. They will then be committed to make it prosper.

Review of the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki

There is indeed a learning process for enriching oneself and this is what Robert Kiyosaki suggests you experience in “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. This work is therefore THE book you need to read in order to develop actual financial intelligence and start on the path to financial independence. It will motivate you and help you, of course, to set your own goals and to embark on this extraordinary adventure of enrichment!

Strong points:

  • The original and rather educational approach of presenting his two dads.
  • The book, and the story of people who live in prosperity, is very motivating: numerous testimonies prove that this book provides a real impetus to engage in a process of enrichment or to start a business.
  • The inspiring story that tells the rise of the author who has become a millionaire today.

Weak point:

  • The tools are more motivational tools than financial expertise.

My rating: image image imageimageimageimageimageimageimage

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3. “The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime” by MJ DeMarco

The Millionaire Fastlane

By MJ DeMarco, 2011, 321 pages

Among the books on personal finance on this list, “The Millionaire Fastlane” is undoubtedly the one that tackles the subject of personal finance and enrichment with the most direct and disturbing tone, in particular because his vision of enrichment goes against the grain of those who think you should aim for the long term.

MJ DeMarco first made his fortune with his limousine rental business and then turned to the distribution of content in print and online. By retiring at the age of 33, he is a concrete example that you can get rich quickly, so that you can take advantage of your fortune while still young.

A Journey in 45 Chapters

For MJ DeMarco, access to wealth is a journey to be undertaken with the right road map. The one:

  • In the slow lane leads to financial mediocrity.
  • On the sidewalk leads to poverty.
  • In the fast lane leads to wealth.

In other words, we must stop believing that the accumulation of material goods is synonymous with fortune.

The 5 Commandments Leading to Wealth

To succeed in the expressway, there are, according to the author, 5 commandments to respect:

  • Control: you have to be in charge of your business and master all aspects of it.
  • Entry: be original and daring.
  • Need: it is essential to identify the needs of your future target.
  • Time: the idea is that your business can continue to generate profit continuously.
  • Scale: by reaching millions of people, you will be able to generate a turnover of millions.

Get into High Gear

You do not have to invent a concept to be successful; you can also improve on an already existing idea. However, in both cases, it is not wise to copy your competition.

  • Your ingenuity is your strength.
  • Eliminate toxic beliefs: your success does not depend on luck or others.

You can now speed up. Having a good grasp in the field of finance, you will be able to embark on your journey towards wealth by developing your own ideas.

Review of “The Millionaire Fastlane” by MJ DeMarco

This book takes us on a road trip where experiences and efforts are more important than the final destination. It points to the concepts to put into perspective, such as those to master completely in order to remain the main actor in your success. With humor, MJ DeMarco offers a lot of advice, creating a stir in the beliefs of entrepreneurs, even those qualified. Although written in the American context, “The Millionaire Fastlane” is nonetheless stimulating and refreshing and could transform your life. An absolute must-read!

Strong points:

  • Pure content with lots of very relevant advice.
  • The “reader-friendly” style, the familiar tone and (salty) humor of the author throughout the book.
  • The book is credible because it does not sell us dreams but a plan to follow that always highlights the notion of work.

Weak points:

  • The examples are not always meaningful because they are written by an American for Americans.
  • Some readers might be uncomfortable with MJ DeMarco’s somewhat harsh tone.

My rating : wealth MJ DeMarco retiree wealth MJ DeMarco retiree wealth MJ DeMarco retireewealth MJ DeMarco retireewealth MJ DeMarco retireewealth MJ DeMarco retireewealth MJ DeMarco retireewealth MJ DeMarco retireewealth MJ DeMarco retiree

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4. “The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen

The One Minute Millionaire

By Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen, 2003, 402 pages.

Co-written by 2 bestselling authors,“The One Minute Millionaire” is a very influential work among all the books on personal finance:

  • Mark Victor Hansen is an American speaker and involved philanthropist. He is known worldwide for being the founder of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book collection.
  • Robert G. Allen is an expert personal finance advisor and globally recognized investor.

Two Books in One: A Fictional Story and a Theoretical and Practical Part

The authors operate on the assumption that:

  • The left hemisphere is used more by logical people, who enjoy analysis, diagrams, and graphs.
  • The right hemisphere is used by creative people having a certain amount of imagination.

As such, “The One Minute Millionaire” is conceived in a very original way, according to this idea. It includes, in some ways, two books in one:

  • The left part is dedicated to principles, tools and concrete techniques and advice called “millionaire minutes”: it is a more theoretical and practical part.
  • The pages on the right are devoted to a fictional story: that of Michelle Ericksen, who must raise a million dollars in 90 days to obtain custody of her children. We then share the experience of this heroine that will put the theoretical concepts into practice by inviting us to put ourselves in her shoes.

The future millionaire is invited to choose a mentor and a team, giving their best without overwhelming others. The authors masterfully demonstrate that financial success is accessible to everyone.

The Millionaire Attitude

For the authors, it is essential to adopt, from the start, a millionaire attitude, that is to say:

  • Possess a set of thoughts and beliefs that promote wealth.
  • Understand that the best path for this is the long path, the one which will take more time, but which will also be easier and less risky.

The 24 Ahas as Basic Principles

In this book, the authors encourage us to apply the 24 ahas, which are, in fact, 24 principles of wealth to be applied, step by step, in our daily life in order to enrich ourselves:

  1. Have positive and intense thoughts
  2. Be, do (take action), have
  3. Live above the line by taking responsibility for your failures
  4. Think of abundance as your natural state
  5. Give in order to receive
  6. Change your reality by eliminating doubt
  7. Avoid negative thoughts (words transform)
  8. Understand that you are your own wealth
  9. Tell yourself that wealth is freedom
  10. Think about the idea that everything starts with a dream and imagine how your life can transform in a few years
  11. Visualize the situation (clarity = power)
  12. Write down the situation you dream of (more clarity = more power)
  13. Tap into your genius (passion, talent, values, destiny)
  14. Understand that your success depends on passion and love
  15. Realize that imagination has considerable power and always trumps will
  16. Ask yourself the right questions to get much better results
  17. Cultivate your intuition
  18. Harmonize the three elements: desire, belief, and self-acceptance
  19. Imagine that you are like a magnet attracting money
  20. Really engage in a process of enrichment
  21. Share your wealth to have more
  22. Consider that wealth is a reward for our faith
  23. Change the habits that keep us from becoming millionaires and overcome setbacks
  24. Live according to your convictions

The 6 Leverage Effects for Increasing Your Income Tenfold

When the principles of the 24 ahas are applied and combined with solid skills, the leverage effect will allow you to considerably multiply your income. “The One Minute Millionaire” then explains how to optimize the leverage effect to access wealth through the following 6 forms:

  1. Mentors
  2. Teams
  3. Networks
  4. Invisible Network
  5. Skills and Tools
  6. Systems

Apply these 6 forms of leverage to a goal to maximize results!

Review of “The One Minute Millionaire” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen

The One Minute Millionaire” is, among the finance books cited in this list, the most original in its structure. By following Michelle’s story, the reader enjoys a relaxing moment while learning tips essential to their financial development. By deciding to be your own boss, you are making arguably the most important decision of your life. And this book is a genuine motivation boost for putting all this theoretical advice into practice and thus getting your business off the ground!

Strong points:

  • A very motivating book, which invites us to take action.
  • The work has an original structure (two books in one) allowing us to continuously move from theory to practice.
  • Quality advice with specific and meaningful examples.
  • The 24 principles of wealth are credible: the authors, who have achieved financial independence, have applied them themselves.

Weak points:

  • The ahas section, although very interesting, is not always reader-friendly.
  • Michelle’s story is a bit of an exaggeration and hard to imagine in reality.

My rating : wealth MJ DeMarco retiree wealth MJ DeMarco retiree wealth MJ DeMarco retireewealth MJ DeMarco retireewealth MJ DeMarco retireewealth MJ DeMarco retireewealth MJ DeMarco retireewealth MJ DeMarco retireewealth MJ DeMarco retiree

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5. “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth” by T. Harv Eker

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

By T. Harv Eker, 2006, 222 pages

T. Harv Eker is a role model when it comes to making a fortune as he went from being poor to being a millionaire within 2 years.

Renowned speaker, formidable businessman, and president of a famous coaching company in the United States, he transcribes, in this book, 11 principles developed during his meteoric financial rise. He also explains the concept of the “inner money blueprint” which involves you in an experience just as important as the outcome.

The 11 Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

  1. The universe grants you what you are able to handle.
  2. Results happen with effort.
  3. If you don’t know the success you want, then something is wrong.
  4. Clarity represents power (knowing what you want is essential in getting it).
  5. Happiness comes from contribution and your wealth from your mission.
  6. Learn from other wealthy and successful people.
  7. Focus on growth.
  8. Get rich to help others with your fortune.
  9. Change your mindset to change your life (being in the right place at the right time, but above all, being the right person, in the right place, at the right time).
  10. Rich people do or are willing to do what most people will not do.
  11. To become rich, you have to acquire knowledge and expertise; you have to focus, do the right thing, not give up and develop a flawless rich mindset.

Our Inner World Determines Our Outer World

It is impossible to know what can happen to you accidentally and completely unpredictably. However, what is certain is that taking charge of yourself is fundamental in your life course. It is the same for the rise to wealth. Many lottery winners are living proof of this. When you are not prepared to be rich, you quickly return to your normal level of wealth. Among the books on finance, this one is awesome in terms of the learning process. The author points to the fact that you are conditioned from an early age in your relationship to money. You tend to duplicate what your parents did in terms of financial management. Finally, you associate the notion of money with pleasure, freedom, and security. And depending on your personal preferences, your management will be different.

Strategies to Develop Your “Mental Money Blueprint”

  1. Harv Eker, invites you first to observe yourself as to better understand yourself: thoughts, beliefs, fears, actions, or inaction. It is about learning that all of this does not come from you. You have received these morals from those who have shaped you. You are free to keep this mechanism or to adapt it to the reality that is your person. Now is the time to shout out to the world what changes you want to make. You will at the same time let your subconscious know that it is no longer he who decides. Building on this, anyone can then apply this method to their inner money blueprint. And you will be ready to make the necessary adjustments to better manage your money.

Rich People Think Differently from Poor People

In the second part of “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” the author demonstrates that being rich is a decision to be made. It is, in fact, fundamental to:

  • Create your life instead of submitting to it.
  • Want to win rather than avoid losing: the rich think big, while the poor think small.
  • Focus more on opportunities than obstacles: the rich do not envy others; they admire them.

The examples are numerous (even if seemingly caricatured, the author does apologize for it). They have the merit of acting as minor shock therapy intended to rattle the reader. He concludes with the fact that the rich learn every day, while the poor believe they know everything. It is apparent that the author is determined to take you out of your comfort zone.

Review of “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker

This book is an ode to taking the responsibility and the commitment to run your company effectively and increase your income significantly. Thanks to his 11 principles, the author gives us ways to progress on the path of financial success. The line is considerably magnified to convey the message effectively. The author also suggests engaging in concrete exercises applied to financial management as well as to daily life.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” is therefore one of the books on personal finance that I also highly recommend!

Strong points:

  • The dense content and the direct and humorous style that is easy to understand.
  • An approach that aims to develop one’s finances, but which also constitutes a real process of personal development.
  • The exercises for immediate application of the method steps.
  • Ideas that apply to one’s financial development but also in other areas of life and in entrepreneurship.

Weak point:

  • The first part is a bit muddled.

My rating : Millionaire Mind money Millionaire Mind money Millionaire Mind moneyMillionaire Mind moneyMillionaire Mind moneyMillionaire Mind moneyMillionaire Mind moneyMillionaire Mind moneyMillionaire Mind money

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