Metaverse Investing

Metaverse Investing

Summary of Metaverse Investing by The Meta-Verse: Metaverse Investing is a popular guide to help you understand what the metaverse is, including its investment possibilities as well as challenges. It’s a book for beginners wishing to acquire digital assets such as cryptocurrencies or NFTs.

By The Meta-Verse, a collective of experienced technology researchers based in London, 2021, 134 pages.

Review and Summary of Metaverse Investing by The Meta-Verse research collective


History of the metaverse

The birth of the metaverse

The book Metaverse Investing begins by explaining that the word “metaverse” was first used in 1992, in Neal Stephenson’s short story “Snow Crash.” At the time, the metaverse represented a simulated world in which characters interacted with avatars and other computer programs. This world reproduces the deepest desires of each individual in a digitalized society.

The evolution of the Web

The authors of “Metaverse Investing” go on to describe the three phases the Web has gone through since its inception:

  • Web 1:  first introduced in 1993, this was the “read-only” Web. Users could only search for and read information on interconnected static pages. The majority of users were passive. Apart from the few people capable of designing a website, users didn’t create any content.
  • Web 2: this is the “read-write” Web, where the possibility of interacting and sharing with communities is born. Everyone is free to create. In the Web 2 era, Google experienced phenomenal growth. Social networks like Facebook explode. The result is that what we post and upload instantly becomes the property of the largest private servers, which completely control the market.
  • Web 3: on this revolutionary new Internet, where servers are replaced by Blockchain infrastructure, users regain control of their data. They are actors. A system of anonymity is created. Data and files are stored on decentralized options.

What exactly is the metaverse? | Metaverse definition 

There’s no better definition of the metaverse than an enhanced version of the Internet.  Proponents of the metaverse often quote Matthew Ball (an investor specializing in the subject), who describes the technology as a network of permanent 3D worlds where an infinite number of users can simulate identities, objects, and payments in real time.

Facebook, for its part, describes the metaverse more succinctly as:

“Metaverse’ is a collection of virtual locations where you can develop and explore with individuals who aren’t physically there with you.”

A third definition is presented to us, that given by Raph Koster (video game designer), who distinguishes:

  • Online worlds ⇒ these are digital spaces centralized around a subject (text content with 3D landscapes).
  • Multiverses ⇒ linked digital worlds forming a network.
  • Metaverses ⇒ these are multiverses that interact more with the real world, thus including augmented realityvirtual reality, and even applications like Google Maps.

At a conference in October 2021, Facebook announced that it was changing its name to “Meta.” This name change illustrates the company’s desire to position itself beyond social networks, in the virtual environment market.

The authors emphasize that the concept of the metaverse continues to evolve.

The six main characteristics of a metaverse

  • Identity: in the metaverse, we can present ourselves as anyone through an avatar of our choosing (human or not, of a different genre, cartoon character, etc.).
  • Access from multiple devices: the metaverse enables us to immerse ourselves in a universe through online virtual reality (VR), and to do so from multiple devices, such as a smartphone, computertablet, or connected TV.
  • Immersion: whereas conventional virtual reality offers mainly sounds and visuals, the future experience with the Metaverse is totally immersive. In fact, Metaverse appeals not just to the sense of sight and hearing, but to all our senses, thanks to haptics (touch) and electrostimulation.
  • Economy: in the metaverse, people can earn and spend digital or fiat currency.
  • Community: as in video games, the precursors of the metaverse, we are not isolated in this virtual world. We are surrounded in real-time by other participants with whom we can exchange or share experiences.
  • Time is continuous and real: the metaverse cannot be stopped, it continues to exist and operate in the background, even when we leave it. Therefore, it’s no longer the participant who’s at the center, but the virtual environment itself.

Common misconceptions about the metaverse

The authors of Metaverse Investing describe all the things we often wrongly compare or confuse with the metaverse.

Metaverse Investing by The Meta-Verse

For example, they explain that many people associate the metaverse with a virtual world, a virtual space, a virtual reality, a digital and virtual economy, a video game, a virtual theme park, a platform for buying applications, or a platform for user-generated content (such as YouTube). Yet, although these elements are sometimes components of the metaverse, they do not fully characterize it.

When will metaverse become widespread? | 4 catalysts

According to the authors, four factors can accelerate our transition to the virtual environment and thus to the current use of the metaverse:

  • Consumer behavior.
  • The digital and cryptocurrency craze.
  • The explosive development of NFTs, or non-fungible tokens.
  • Easy access to the virtual world, possible at any time, from anywhere, thanks to the development of wearable accessories.

The benefits of the metaverse for businesses

For forward-looking companies, the metaverse represents the most creative and commercially viable option. There are four reasons for this:

  • The freedom and flexibility offered by metaverses: by owning their world, companies can customize their content and environment as they see fit, without having to make compromises.
  • Control over brand image: universe creators can define their limits and retain control over what they show virtual users: visuals, activities, messages transmitted, etc.
  • Centralized operations: no more ephemeral sites, online events for each time zone, or the use of different applications for different advertising campaigns! With the metaverse, everything is brought together in one easily accessible space, designed so that participants from all over the world can continuously meet, exchange, explore, and buy brand products all in a single place.
  • Closer to the target: much more than in the physical world, thanks to this continuously nourished place of sharing, a real community of participants can grow.

The principles of creating a virtual world

To ensure the most creative and powerful experiences possible in the metaverse, and keep customers coming back for more, companies should follow these principles.

Design an exclusive world

It’s not just a question of creating, but rather of “inventing the unthinkable,” that which doesn’t yet exist, in order to attract new users. Today’s technology enables us to design an original and fantastical world. This is an opportunity to surprise users by offering them a unique universe they would never be able to imagine in real life.

Don’t neglect emotions

To generate compelling and unique content, we need to arouse emotions. In the metaverse, this means immersioninteractive experience, and stunning visuals that make the experience “real.” The authors illustrate this idea with the example of a virtual concert capable of delivering adrenalin to participants: to achieve this, virtual spectators need to feel the same energy between stage and crowd as they do at a physical concert.

Encourage participation

The more consumers feel involved and activethe richer and more satisfying the experience will be, and the more they’ll want to continue interacting in a metaverse. They can then influence events within a company.

Create scarcity

Even if, thanks to the metaverse, it becomes possible to reach even more people and create at will, it makes sense to limit certain actions and control the quantity of offers in order to give visitors the impression of being the “only ones” to enjoy this unique experience (idea of uniqueness). In the physical world, scarcity creates value. In the virtual world, it’s the same: limiting registrations, scheduling viewing times, or using the blockchain system can boost demand.

Continuous evolution and maintaining the relationship with consumers

In the metaverse, too, companies can collect data to evaluate and improve user experience. In this way, they can renew themselves and create fresh, innovative, and dynamic content, with the aim of increasing consumer interest and loyalty.

The enormous potential of the metaverse

According to the authors, the metaverse could generate billions of dollars over the next few years. The profits will be enormous for the managers of these virtual worlds.

As was the case with the web, the arrival of the metaverse heralds new professions, products, and businesses, new ways of consuming and working, and new services to manage everything from payment systems to identity verification, employment, ad distribution, content development, and security.

With this new technology, digital experiences are expected to become truly indistinguishable from physical ones.

Ultimately, the metaverse appears to be the viable “successor” to the web, but with even greater reach, time spent, and economic activity. In this sense, it offers colossal economic potential.

The technological components of the metaverse

The authors emphasize that this alternative world must be opennot governed by a single entity. They then list the 5 key elements that make up the metaverse:

  • Internet.
  • Standards to facilitate media readability (music, text, video).
  •  Programming language standards to ensure compatibility.
  • Extended reality (XR) hardware to facilitate the connection between the real world and the metaverse.
  • Smart contracts and a decentralized ledger (Theta blockchain networks, Bitcoin, Binance Smart Chain or BSC, Flow, etc.), needed to ensure transparency of transactions and for the ownership economy.

Chapter 1 – Virtual Reality (VR)

Metaverse Investing by The Meta-Verse

What is virtual reality (VR)? | Definition

Virtual reality – also known as VR – immerses a participant in a simulated, unreal world.  This is usually achieved by means of a headset attached to the user’s head, which records movements to display an appropriate image. VR also makes it possible to select and manipulate elements of the simulated world using a joystick or directly with visible, simulated hands.

Basic terminology and concepts

Here, researchers from The Meta-Verse collective detail terminology and ideas to complement the definition of virtual reality.

  • Field of vision

This represents everything visible in the digital world through the VR headset. The field of view is smaller than that available with the eyes. It is sometimes possible to see the black edges around the lenses.

  • Degrees of freedom

In this context, this term refers tothe ability to capture and transfer body movements into the virtual simulation.

  • Types of tracking

Every VR headset is capable of recording the user’s movements thanks to several technologies: Inside-out positioning, SLAM (simultaneous location and mapping) and Outside-in algorithms. The authors briefly present the advantages and disadvantages of each of these technologies.

  • Controllers

Users generally have two controllers (one per hand) governing interaction with virtual content.  But for some video games, the “classic” joystick will be used. Some controllers even wrap around the wrist for more natural movements.

  • Scale and position

There are three modes of recording user movements:

  1. Room scale: you can physically move around in real space to interact with virtual reality.
  2. In “sitting” mode.
  3. In “standing” mode.

These last two modes limit the user’s possible actions in virtual reality.

  • Movement in VR

In virtual reality, users have access to a range of simulated movements, such as smooth movement (similar to that of video game characters) and the much-appreciated teleportation.

  • Motion sickness

Wearing a VR headset for too long can be unpleasant and, over the long term, can lead to nausea. This feeling arises when the movements perceived in the virtual world are not really those performed by the body.

  • Interpupillary distance (IPD)

It’s a subject that comes up frequently if you’re learning about virtual reality. As its name suggests, the IPD corresponds to the distance between the centers of your two pupils, which varies from person to person. Why is it so important? Because when lenses and screens are not aligned with the user’s pupils, helmets don’t fit. To remedy this, many devices are adjustable.

The equipment needed for virtual reality

These are:

  • The headset = the main controller of the virtual experience.
  • A VR-suitable computer with a continuous connection.
  • Good graphics quality, or a console with compatible headsets.

The major players in virtual reality

Here, the authors introduce us to various actors in the development of virtual reality. These include global giants GoogleMicrosoft, and Samsung, as well as more specialized brands such as Oculus VRNext VR (specializing in sports), WorldViz (specializing in education), and MagicLeap (startup).

Virtual reality applications outside of video games

Virtual reality, mainly associated with video games, can be applied to many other fields. In the book, we learn that it can be used:

  • During military training: simulation land-based scenarios, but also driving maritime vehicles and aviation.
  • In schools: simulating visits to monuments and museums. It would also be an asset for working on communication skills with children suffering from autistic disorders.
  • For sports training: a training tool capable of providing performance data.  It can also be used to train the mind by simulating a competitive environment.
  • As an aid to the treatment of mental illness: this technology has been used to treat patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Individuals are then immersed in trauma-like situations to confront and overcome them.
  • In the fashion industry: more rare, brands have already used virtual reality to retransmit fashion shows or visualize clothes in-store.

Chapter 2 – Augmented Reality (AR)

Metaverse Investing by The Meta-Verse

What is augmented reality (AR)? | Definition

The authors offer us a definition of augmented reality – known as AR – taken from the Cambridge Dictionary (a popular English dictionary):

AR is defined as computer-generated visuals combined with a view of the actual world.”

Augmented reality is sometimes referred to by its synonyms: “computer-generated reality” and “mixed reality.”

The evolution of augmented reality

The authors divide the evolution of augmented reality into three phases:

  • Observation: AR’s first commercial appearance was in 1968. It was an advertisement for BMW.
  • Testing: this phase began around 2010, with the appearance of connected electronic objects.
  • Usage: today, augmented reality is the most widely used technology for exploring cultural sites or geographical environments.

Different types of augmented reality

Here, the authors present 5 types of augmented reality:

  • With markers ⇒ this technique requires a trigger to display content (QR code, for example).
  • Without markers ⇒ this type of augmented reality will, for example, follow the user and display data thanks to cameras or GPS data.
  • With projection ⇒ here, digital images are projected onto real surfaces or objects (projecting the contents of a screen onto a wall, for example).
  • With contours ⇒ thanks to image recognition, the shape of the pointed object is traced. This technique can be used for pilots at sea or in the air when there is low light, for example.
  • Overlay ⇒ an object is partially or completely replaced by a digital image. For example, a doctor can superimpose a digital X-ray on a patient’s body during an operation.

The benefits of AR for businesses

Companies have long recognized the potential of AR for their development and customer experience. Apple and Coca-Cola often use AR for life-size advertising campaigns. The British Museum also uses this technology to interpret statues using a tablet that provides an interactive game.

Augmented reality applications

The authors of Metaverse Investing draw up a non-exhaustive list of different uses for augmented reality. AR can therefore be used in the areas of:

  • Aeronautics: for example, Gatwick Airport in England has created an application to help passengers find their way to their terminal using Bluetooth beacons.
  • Construction: the book mentions the example of an Ikea application enabling consumers to visualize the furniture in their interior by scanning it, before making a purchase.
  • Cosmetics: as with furniture, it is possible, for example, to test the color of a make-up product virtually on one’s face.
  • Healthcare: in healthcare, AR is mainly used to provide real-time patient parameters.
  • Video games: the example cited in the book is Pokémon Go; the concept is to hunt Pokémon placed on a map representing our real environment.
  • Education: AR has the potential to enhance teaching and learning by transforming static media into an immersive experience (the animated projection of an erupting volcano, for example).
  • Sports and entertainment: when selling tickets for the SuperBowl, for example, the company StubHub provides buyers with the option of visualizing on their smartphone the view they will have of the stadium depending on the seat purchased.

Definitions related to virtual and augmented reality

The end of the second chapter of Metaverse Investing defines two terms related to virtual reality and augmented reality.

  • Mixed reality: as the name suggests, this technology integrates augmented reality and virtual reality features. A mixed reality world shows virtual objects and the physical world simultaneously on the same screen.
  • Extended reality: abbreviated XR (for “Extended Reality“), this is a very generic term for the combination of various interactive technologies – VR, AR, and MR – in a single environment

The pros and cons of extended reality

For the authors, the future of XR and everything that goes to make it up is promising. Extended reality offers a wealth of opportunities for exploration and creation. The authors discuss the ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ of developing this type of technology:

  • Advantages:
    • Unlimited creativity of 3D representations.
    • Increased collaboration between individuals (compared to traditional games or video calls).
    • Improved learning through 3D contextual demonstrations.
    • Helps productivity and efficiency, thanks to smoother exchanges than those via email, for example.
    • Offers new experiences such as events and trips.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Respect for confidentiality.
    • General concern that this type of technology collects a great deal of personal information.
    • User costs: headsets and especially haptic devices are expensive, making access to these new technologies elitist.
    • Users’ physical safety: moving around in the real world while having your eyes in a virtual world can lead to falls, for example.

Chapter 3 – NFTs in Metaverse

Virtual life

The third chapter of Metaverse Investing begins with the following reminder: the World Wide Web has been around for 25 years. Digital technology has continued to progress, from a limited number of users on huge computers to near-universal use thanks to the smartphone in our pocket. The Internet has radically changed the way we live.

It’s thanks to this advance in the digital world that the metaverse has gone from science fiction to reality. We already live in a world interconnected by smartphones, computers, and so on. The metaverse will develop further when even more products and services are connected to each other.

The authors see the metaverse as the point at which virtual reality perfectly mimics social interaction. The concept of online games is not new to the Internet, but the aim of the virtual world is to use interactions in all – or as many – aspects of life as possible (virtual life creation).

NFT (Non-Fungible Token) technology is the key to the metaverse

Based on the above observation, the authors argue that, in the metaverse, everything should be able to be simulated. This implies that products, goods, or land online must be possessable, saleable, and transferable within the virtual world. This is made possible by the use of NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens).

As evidenced by the many digital works of art already purchased, the notion of NFTs giving ownership over digital assets is already being embraced by the general public. The deployment of this transaction technology in the metaverse is simply an extension of what already exists.

For the group of authors, there is no doubt that the use of NFTs is the key to the functioning of a virtual world.

The role of NFTs in the metaverse

According to the authors, NFTs – non-fungible tokens – contribute to making the metaverse:

  • A massive participatory medium.
  • An independent and equitable economy.
  • An institution that is both individual and collective.

Thanks to NFTs, anyone can participate in the creation of this participatory future.

NFT management tools

The authors present four management tools for non-fungible tokens:

  • Minting platforms: these facilitate the creation of non-fungible digital assets, the best-known being Bitski and Art Blocks.
  • Marketplaces: these are places for buying and selling NFTs, such as Rarible and OpenSea, which are open to all NFTs, or MakersPlace and SuperRare, which are more specific platforms.
  • NFT social networks: these are decentralized online networks encouraging the discovery and promotion of non-fungible tokens. The NFT Bank network, for example, enables its users to track and obtain alerts on the NFT holdings of well-known collectors.
  • Wallets: these are storage locations for personal tokens. They can often also be used to buy cryptocurrency. These wallets could become a virtual identity, transposable from one metaverse to another. Rainbow and Phantom are two well-known Wallet systems.

Chapter 4 – Metaverse Investment

Metaverse Investing by The Meta-Verse

Business activities in the metaverse

Members of The Meta-Verse believe that the virtual world will offer a wide range of revenue opportunities in many sectors, particularly for companies developing related software, processors, or virtual products.

The authors indicate various monetization methods applicable in the metaverse:

  • Advertising.
  • Social commerce strategy (try before you buy, discuss a product with an influencer, etc.).
  • Digital event organization.
  •  Hardware industry.
  • The creation of portfolio services and various financial management applications.
  • The virtual product sales.
  • Audience building.

Marketing in the metaverse

The authors encourage digital marketers to keep a close eye on technological advances, and thus not to overlook the future potential of the metaverse. They list 5 ways to think about advertising:

  • Draw parallels between virtual and real marketing.
  • Offer an immersive experience with virtual installations or events to engage consumers.
  • Make collectibles available, in limited editions and only in the metaverse.
  • Engage with existing communities.
  • Continuously experiment with new technologies.

How to invest in the metaverse?

If you’re familiar with the world of investment, you should know that there are already ways of passively investing in the development of the virtual world. The book cites a figure announced by US media outlet Bloomberg Intelligence: the metaverse industry could reach a value of $800 billion by 2024. The metaverse is therefore a profitable field in which to invest.

The authors share their analysis of 4 ways to invest in this technology:

  • Buy shares.
  • Own exchange-traded investment funds.
  • Obtain Virtual World Tokens.
  • Acquire NFTs.

The main players in the metaverse

  • Fastly: this company specializing in advanced computing and technology offers services to reduce latency during data transport. This is a crucial product for the massive data transfer required to create a virtual environment
  • Facebook: with its change to “Meta,” the company is already investing to position itself at the forefront.
  • Autodesk: this company creates 3D design software.
  • Other players: Nvidia, Roblox, Shopify, Roundhill Ball Metaverse ETF.

Chapter 5 – Challenges and Requirements of Metaverse

Metaverse Investing by The Meta-Verse

The challenges of the metaverse

Today, we don’t know exactly what the metaverse will look like in the future.  However, according to the authors, to become a fully functional virtual environment, the metaverse needs to overcome a number of challenges.

Challenge 1: Creators’ reputations and users’ identities in the metaverse

The representation of identity in the virtual world is more complex than in the real world. The problem arises in demonstrating who is who: there can be no real transparency on this point. The creators of virtual worlds will need to ensure user security, perhaps through new methods of identifying individuals, in order to maintain a good reputation among users.

Challenge 2: Data security

Although companies and organizations continue to improve their Internet security systems, data protection has long been an issue for individuals in many online spaces. With the metaverse, security systems will have to evolve to a whole new level to keep pace with this ever-expanding environment. Personal identification could require users to provide more personal information than is necessary today.

Challenge 3: Currency and payment systems

The previous chapters have already covered the basics of virtual currency, which is an obvious issue for the virtual system. Undoubtedly, the metaverse will have its own online financial markets integrating digital currencies for quick and easy transactions. It will be imperative to set up a new, single transaction validation mechanism, whatever the currency. It will also be necessary to convince participants to trust and feel secure when negotiating their virtual purchases.

Challenge 4: Law and Jurisdiction

Defining laws and jurisdictions adapted to the virtual environment is a major obligation to facilitate user confidence and ensure their security. Without limits, the potential abuses of the metaverse would be manifold.

Challenge 5: Property rights

As already mentioned, in a virtual environment where we can connect with the world, the possibility arises of buying and selling different products and digital assets. The task for creators is to design a platform capable of authenticating owners to ensure their rights.

Challenge 6: Community and network

The metaverse will undoubtedly bring together diverse groups of individuals from all over the world. The challenge is to enable people to connect and build authentic relationships witheach other.

Challenge 7: Space-time

In a virtual environment, the user’s notion of time is altered. Given the risk of a skewed sense of time, it is essential to implement systems that keep participants in touch with reality.

Potential legal issues in the metaverse

Fraud can be rife when it comes to digital activity: pornography (sometimes child pornography), cyberstalking, theft of banking data … Web criminals are always on the lookout for ways to spot technical flaws in a system and hack into it. For the authors, the metaverse is no exception. Ultimately, the greatest risk is the theft of money or goods. Although these are virtual thefts, they cost people money in the real world.

Future metaverse requirements

For the metaverse to be truly accessible to individuals and companies, the creators of virtual environments will have to meet certain requirements:

  • The new wave of digitization: from 2G to 5G, digital networks are evolving very fast. Companies that have not digitally transformed their culture, goods, or services will find it harder to adapt to the metaverse.
  • Interoperability and portability: on a virtual platform, user goods are assets whose value evolves rapidly due to constant market innovation. The metaverse will require portability and interoperability of products and content between different platforms for its accessibility and prosperity.
  • Migration, emulation, and representation: assets and data must be continuously processed in the virtual world. The migration, emulation, and representation of content will make up the history of the metaverse.
  • Copyright: content should have shorter copyright periods to adapt to the changing pace of digital innovation.
  • Common goods: these will be unavoidable; users and companies will have to apply unified policies for these common goods.
  • Required standards: creators need to be alert to state regulations on the metaverse.
  • Sustainability: commercial and environmental viability must not be forgotten when creating. Data storage materials and software must be of the highest quality to ensure maximum longevity.
  • Accessible and inclusive design: assets, data, and platforms should be as adaptable as possible to users with disabilities.

Chapter 6 – New Projects and Opportunities: A Case of Facebook

In the sixth chapter of Metaverse Investing, the authors outline Facebook’s current and future collaborations and projects for its development as a “Meta” (as a reminder, as we mentioned in the introduction, Facebook changed its name to Meta to position itself at the forefront of the metaverse).


According to Mark Zuckerberg, games will be widespread in the metaverse.  He has therefore teamed up with Vertigo Games, a virtual reality games company, on five upcoming game releases. The possibilities are very varied: from chess to sports clashes to action games, Facebook wants to offer a wide range to future users of its virtual environment.

Extended reality fitness (XR Fitness)

Metaverse Investing by The Meta-Verse

The aforementioned Oculus brand offers fitness activities in virtual reality for use by athletes. Facebook will therefore be working in partnership with Oculus to release a pack of fitness accessories. There will be a general public version and a professional version. Multiple users will be able to connect to the interface via a Facebook account.

Oculus developers

Facebook has announced the creation of its Presence Platform, comprising various perception and artificial intelligence functionalities to enable the creation of MR (mixed reality) experiences. The platform includes: contextual awareness, content placement, voice interaction, and manual interaction.

Augmented reality

In partnership with Ray-Ban, the company plans to create “next-generation” augmented reality glasses. The idea is to develop a better-augmented reality (AR) device with location-based services, virtual objects, and new experiences in public space.

Social virtual reality

Horizon HomeHorizon Workrooms, and Horizon Worlds are all part of the company’s ambition to create virtual reality possibilities for the home, office, and beyond.

  • Horizon Home

Facebook has announced that when users are in the virtual world, they will be able to invite friends into the virtual version of their homein which their avatars will be embodied. Users will be able to chat with them, watch movies or play games. What’s more, exchanges will take place via Messenger’s background operation, enabling them to interact across all devices and applications. It will be possible to ask friends to join a Messenger or Facebook call from anywhere in virtual reality.

  •  Facebook Horizon virtual reality game

This is a VR social network with a unique and imposing virtual reality game.  Users will be ableto design unique digital avatars and travel through virtual worlds via telepods (portals enabling transfer to different halls). Horizon will include guides called “Horizon Locals”: these people will be connected in real-time and will be able to guide users and ensure their safety in the virtual world.

  • Workrooms

These are virtual meeting spaces enabling colleagues to collaborate more effectively from any location. A large virtual blackboard is available, with the option of connecting a PC view to it. These immersive discussions, unlike videoconferences, give users the impression of seeing each other in person. It is also possible to change the arrangement of virtual work rooms as required.

Spark certification for augmented reality developers

Facebook will provide augmented reality developers with a structured training course to boost their skills. This will be a certification program. At the end of the program, students will be awarded the diploma “Facebook Certified Spark AR Creator.” For the record, Spark AR Studio is a creative software program used today to create photo filters.

Chapter 7 – Future of Metaverse

Metaverse Investing by The Meta-Verse

Discussions and knowledge of the metaverse are becoming increasingly popular, probably because big companies like Microsoft or Facebook think it’s time to bet on it. The enthusiasm for this technology is similar to that observed for artificial intelligence.

The authors point out that there are still many mysteries surrounding this subject, and that VR and AR are just the tip of the iceberg. In this final chapter, they return to the essential points of the future of the virtual environment.

The use of cryptocurrencies

As already mentioned, the authors are banking on the use of cryptocurrencies to facilitate commerce in the metaverse. The metaverse could thus develop an economy similar to that of the real world. Potentially, such currencies could travel from the physical to the virtual world. As with the early days of the Internet, the metaverse will need to mature before its economy can be developed.

Design perspectives

Thanks to the data collected by the IoT (Internet of Things), the metaverse can capture the parameters of its environments. In this way, it offers a rich, authentic world.

The authors of Metaverse Investing explain that creating a virtual world requires anticipating the same fundamental needs of humans in the physical world: tools for capturing and accessing data, storage design, a method for analyzing and enriching data. And, as in the physical world, transaction security must be ensured.

In a way, historical data forms the infrastructure of a world. That’s why it’s vital to optimize the system for real-time data capture and analysis.

This will require major technological advances as well as infrastructure innovations.

Event-driven world

To be in tune with the physical world, individuals need to be able to follow events taking place in the metaverse and vice versa. The dynamics of the metaverse are different from those of the physical world. This is why we need to inform the public of any important events or changes. They must be able to understand and react to them.

Furthermore, in the metaverse, it’s essential to find a new way of protecting the data that we’ll be holding there from now on. A technological solution will therefore be needed, such as decentralized smart contracts to specify conditions of use.

The evolution of the metaverse 

Today, metaverses are simplified virtual objects or services available with or without a virtual reality headset. However,  future environments will include:

  • A ubiquitous network.
  • Blockchain with NFTs (non-fungible tokens).
  •  Extended reality with VR, AR, and MR.
  • Possibly other technologies not yet imagined.

The authors indicate that the virtual economy will equal the physical economy in terms of importance. Companies will therefore have no choice but to participate in order to make their mark.

Knowledge to be acquired

The authors recommend that companies devise a strategy for transferring their business into the virtual environment. In their view, the metaverse will be the source of millions of jobs, but also of thousands of scams. They add that:

“Those who prepare today will have a share of tomorrow’s economy.”

Also, to succeed in the metaverse, companies will need to focus their strategy in the virtual world on participant interaction and offer users a truly immersive experience. Ultimately, whatever the company, the aim isto encourage brand loyalty both through the physical world and through virtual engagement.

The future of brands

Most of today’s businesses are digital. Many brands are even established on the Internet before they have launched a physical product.

However, the metaverse will lead brands to create yet more new kinds of digital content to develop their identity. Companies that are already familiar with Internet culture, digital art, or online games are bound to have a head start on the competition.

Conclusion to Metaverse Investing by the research collective The Meta-Verse

Metaverse Investing by The Meta-Verse

Authors’ conclusion | Key ideas from the book’s content

In the conclusion to Metaverse Investing, the authors recall the core principles to remember about the metaverse:

  • Although its definition is still ambiguous, the word metaverse is mainly used to express the idea of shared, interconnected 3D virtual places in an imagined virtual world.
  • In the metaverse, users will have avatars and can interact with other users from various geographical locations. They will also be able to buy land and develop ecosystems using NFTs and cryptocurrencies on a platform utilizing Blockchain technology.
  • The creation of a metaverse will rely heavily on artificial intelligence: it will be the convergence of virtual reality and augmented reality.
  • According to the authors, the development of the metaverse, in other words, a virtual world, will affect all facets of our civilization, and in particular the economy, entertainment, and commerce. For this reason, the legal framework will be a major concern, particularly in terms of intellectual property rights.
  • More and more companies are referring to the metaverse as the “new era of the Internet.” “The metaverse is being referred to as a successor of the internet rather than an extension of it.” The metaverse is a multi-billion-dollar opportunity.

A good book for a preliminary understanding of the ins and outs of the metaverse

The world of the metaverse will be far less abstract and complex for you after reading this

Metaverse Investing is a very interesting book to introduce you to the world of the metaverse, to understand its basics, its ins and outs. You’ll get advice on investing in cryptographic art, NFTs, and digital assets, but be warned: in my opinion, this is not a practical book. It’s primarily a read to enlighten you on what the metaverse is inconcrete terms and make it less complex and abstract for you.

Technical content at times, but suitable for beginner readers

As the authors are researchers, the writing process is scientific. Numbers and references to personalities illustrate what is stated. The quotations used come from economists, technology specialists, and business leaders involved in technological innovation. So, of course, you’ll feel more comfortable reading this content if you already have some knowledge of the world of technology. However, the language remains accessible, and the style doesn’t require any particularly in-depth technical knowledge.

A short but comprehensive book

The concepts covered in the book are broad. They concern the metaverse, all its elements, and its environment (virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, Facebook’s plans in this area, etc.). You may find it useful to supplement this reading with other books (on Blockchain or NFTs, for example). Nevertheless, Metaverse Investing provides a good starting point for what the future holdsin this regard.

Strong points:

  •  A fairly short book with quality content providing a broad introduction to the world of the metaverse.
  • Suitable for both the uninitiated and readers already familiar with the world of the web and innovative technology.
  • Numerous scientific sources and contributions from experts in technological innovation.

Weak points:

  • Can be hard to navigate all the references to virtual reality games and accessories if you’ve never been interested in this universe before.
  • The breakdown of sub-chapters can occasionally come across as repetitive throughout the chapters.

My rating : Permanent Record by Edward Snowden Permanent Record by Edward Snowden Permanent Record by Edward SnowdenPermanent Record by Edward SnowdenPermanent Record by Edward SnowdenPermanent Record by Edward SnowdenPermanent Record by Edward SnowdenPermanent Record by Edward SnowdenPermanent Record by Edward Snowden

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A Handy Guide to Metaverse Investing from The Meta-Verse

The six main characteristics of a metaverse:

  1. Identity
  2. Access from multiple devices
  3. Immersion
  4. Economy
  5. Community
  6. Continuous real-time

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) concerning Metaverse Investing

1. How has Metaverse Investing been received by the public?

Published on November 4, 2021 by Metaverse Books, the Metaverse book has been a great success with the general public and ranked among Amazon’s best sellers, with hundreds of thousands of copies sold worldwide. 

2. What has been the book’s impact?

This book is a fascinating and interesting introduction to the world of the metaverse, enabling ordinary people to understand its basics, its ins and outs, its investment possibilities, as well as its stakes.

3. Who is the target audience of Metaverse Investing?

The book is aimed at everyone in general, and digital investors in particular.

4. What is the Metaverse according to The Meta-Verse?

The Metaverse is a set of virtual places that you can develop and explore with people who aren’t physically with you.

5. What are the technological components of the metaverse, according to The Meta-Verse?

The technological components of the metaverse are: the Internet, standards to facilitate media readability, programming language standards, extended reality hardware, and smart contracts.

Business activities in the metaverse versus Marketing in the metaverse

Business activities in the metaverseMarketing in the metaverse
AdsDelivering an immersive experience with installations
Social commerce strategyLimited-edition collectibles available only in the metaverse
Organizing digital eventsEngaging with existing communities
The hardware industryContinuous experimentation as technologies are new
Creating portfolio services and various financial management applicationsDrawing parallels between virtual and real marketing

The Meta-Verse

The metaverse collective is a Belgian movement made up of experts, learners, companies, and all those who embrace the technological future and are fascinated by the metaverse. They form a strong, unified collective in which technological innovation finds its place in our society. Together, they take companies and initiatives in Belgium to the next level by sharing and learning. They wish to contribute to the exploration and development of Belgium’s technological future by bringing together people from all walks of life. Technology is only of value if it is supported by the public, which is why it must be accessible. By sharing new perspectives, ideas, and projects, they will be better positioned to answer questions, collaborate, and help guide you in the Belgian metaverse ecosystem.

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