Summary of Copywriting Secrets by Jim Edwards: One of the keys to a company’s success is its ability to generate such a strong desire for its product that customers will do almost anything to get it. You’ll discover the secrets to achieving this by learning to use the power of words.
By Jim Edwards, 2019, 235 pages.
Note: This review was written by Nicolas Favier of the site “Système Marketing.”
Review and Summary of the book Copywriting Secrets by Jim Edwards
We start with a foreword written by one of America’s best-known marketers, Russell Brunson, one of the founders of Clickfunnels, a tool known for facilitating the creation of sales funnels…
Having tested the influence of numerous factors in his marketing, his opinion is that copywriting is the most powerful amplifier of sales.
You need to develop this skill, and that’s precisely why this book was written.
Note: Jim Edwards and Russell Brunson have teamed up to create copywriting software. I urge you to keep this in mind when reading this review, as the author’s opinions are often slanted to pre-sell their product. However, this in no way detracts from the quality of the advice given.
[No one is born knowing how to sell.]
This is what Jim Edwards says in his introduction, then goes on to talk about his journey and the stages he went through to develop his copywriting skills.
His position is that you are the best person to write a sales pitch for your products and services.
That’s why, even if it takes time, you need to learn copywriting.
Secret 1 – What is copywriting?
Here’s the author’s definition of copywriting:
[Copywriting is anything intended to persuade the right reader, viewer or listener to perform a specific action.]
Whether it’s a 3-line advertisement, a 40-page sales letter, a social networking post, or a 30-minute video.
Creating content to convince someone to click on a link, fill in a form, reply to an email, call a number, visit a store, make a purchase, etc., is copywriting!
But don’t think you’re going to have to turn into an ultra-aggressive carpet salesman.
You’ve probably heard the saying:
“People like to buy; they hate to be sold to.”
A good sales pitch should resemble a discussion with a trusted friend or advisor.
When someone makes a purchase, it’s because they believe it will make them feel better or get them what they want.
Your prospect has hopes, fears, and dreams, and you need to know what they are in order to understand how to communicate with them and show them how your product or service will help them.
Secret 2 – One man’s journey with sales copy
In this part, Jim Edwards tells his story, to help us understand the importance of training, that anyone can learn copywriting, and that it can change our lives.
For more details on his journey, turn to this section of the book.
Secret 3 – Without a strong why, people don’t buy
Without a strong why, people don’t buy — this is the most important secret in book.
According to Jim Edwards, here are the 10 things you need to remember:
- Make money.
- And save money.
- Save time.
- Save effort.
- Escape physical or mental pain.
- Have more comfort.
- Have a healthier lifestyle to feel better and be healthier.
- Receive praise.
- Feel more loved.
- Gain popularity or social status.
To improve the power of your copywriting, you need to link your product or service to several of these reasons.
You’ll find a list of questions in this section to help you do just that.
Secret 4 – Nobody cares about you in your sales copy
“People aren’t interested in you. They’re interested in themselves.”
– Dale Carnegie
Think about the last time you bought something.
If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll realize that the only thing you cared about was getting your money’s worth.
The same goes for your prospects.
What they care about is satisfying their needs, solving their problems, calming their fears, and satisfying their desires.
Secret 5 – The most valuable skill you’ll ever learn
Being able to do your own copywriting has many advantages, such as:
- Not being held hostage by someone with a key skill.
- Not wasting time asking for changes to a sales pitch and doing them yourself.
- Being able to apply the principles of copywriting to create all your content.
- Being able to take charge in an emergency.
To develop your copywriting skills, you need to think in two ways.
On the one hand, you create content that brings value, and on the other, you do what you need to do to get your prospects to do what you want them to do.
To do that, you need to master the techniques that will enable you to create catchy headlines, compelling bullet formulas, calls to action, and present your offers.
Practice every day, study the copy that made you buy, find mentors, and keep learning throughout your life.
Secret 6 – The #1 single most important piece of sales copy ever
“On average, five times more people read the headline than the body copy.”
– David Ogilvy
Your headline is the starting point of your sales process.
If it doesn’t catch on, no one will be interested in the rest of your content.
The role of a headline is simple:
To interrupt your prospects and get them to start reading or looking at what you’ve put in front of their eyes.
To do this, you need to connect emotionally with your ideal prospects, tapping into their fears and desires.
Whatever you’re selling and whomever you’re targeting, writing a good headline is the first copywriting skill you need to develop.
The easiest way to get started is to use tried-and-tested catchphrases.
Here are just a few:
- How to [desired result] in less [time to get it] even if [common objection].
- 5 quick and easy ways to [desired result].
- Warning: Don’t try [desired result] until you’ve read this.
You can find inspiration for your headlines everywhere, magazines, blog posts, email subject lines, etc.
Look at how they’re constructed and take inspiration from them.
Secret 7 – It’s never “one size fits all”
Even before the invention of the internet, the famous copywriter Eugene Schwartz said:
“If your prospect is aware of your product and has realized it can satisfy his desire, your headline starts with the product. If he is not aware of your product, but only of the desire itself, your headline starts with the desire. If he is not yet aware of what he really seeks, but is concerned with the general problem, your headline starts with the problem and crystallizes into a specific need.”
– Eugene Schwartz
Today, we talk about traffic temperature to separate these different types of prospects:
- Hot: those who are on your email list, follow you on social networks, or know your name.
- Warm: prospects who are looking for a solution to a problem but don’t know you.
- Cold: those who don’t even know there’s a solution, but know they have a problem.
You need to segment your traffic to direct your prospects to content that’s right for their temperature.
Each group should have a personalized message that’s aligned with the conversation they’re having in their head.
Secret 8 – Meet F.R.E.D. (your ideal customer)
An avatar is a representation of your ideal customer, except that contrary to what many people think, it’s not the demographic criteria that are important, but the psychographic ones.
In other words, you need to know what’s going on in your prospect’s head, because that’s where he’ll decide whether or not to do what you tell him to do.
Knowing his Fear, Results, Expectations, and Desires (FRED) will help you understand how to capture his attention, connect with his emotions, identify the different situations he’ll find himself in, and where you can show him your messages.
The more precise you are, the easier it will be to target your prospects and communicate with them using the words they use, that they want to hear and that target them specifically.
You need to identify the results your ideal customers want to achieve, and the problems, questions, and obstacles that stand in their way.
The role of your copywriting is to convince them that they can succeed in moving from their current situation to their desired situation thanks to what you’re selling.
To do that, you need to show your ideal customer that you can solve their problems, provide answers to their questions, and remove obstacles so they can believe it’s possible for them to get the results they want.
To find out what’s going on in the minds of your ideal customers, you need to do some investigative work.
And to help you in your search, Jim Edwards gives you a few pointers to consider, which you can find in this section of the book.
Once you’ve created your avatar with Fear, Results, Expectations, and Desires, it will be much easier for you to create hooks, email subject lines, compelling bullet formulas, calls to action… that will speak to your ideal customer.
Secret 9 – The ultimate bullet formula
A bullet formula is used to make reading easier, arouse curiosity, and give people reasons to do what you want them to do.
Also known as bullet points, you’ll find them in the bullet lists of most sales pitches.
You can use them to:
- Summarize the information in a video.
- Preview a blog post.
- List benefits.
- Give reasons to keep reading and make a decision.
- Summarize an offer.
- And many other things.
Here’s Jim Edwards’ ultimate bullet formula:
[Feature] so you [benefit] what it means [meaning].
The feature is “what it is,” the benefit is “what it does,” the meaning is “what it means to your prospect.”
Example for a chrome vanadium steel ring wrench:
Polygonal wrench in chrome vanadium steel for greater strength and durability so you can use it extensively, which means you’ll spend less money buying another one.
Secret 10 – What really sells people (it’s not what you think)
You’ve probably heard it said that the act of buying is triggered by emotion and then justified by logic.
For every feature and benefit your products or services bring, you need to ask yourself what it means to your ideal prospect.
Ask yourself, “Why is this important?”
It’s these whys, these reasons, that will influence their emotions.
Love, hate, fear, vanity, pride, envy, greed, freedom, and so on.
If someone buys, it’s because they want more of some and less of others.
Linking your product to all the whys of your ideal prospect will enable you to create an emotional connection that will help you convert them into a potential customer and build loyalty.
Secret 11 – Why good enough makes you (and keeps you) poor!
When something works, we tend not to touch it for fear that it will stop working and then it won’t be possible to put it back the way it was.
According to Jim Edwards, it’s this mindset that keeps you poor because he’s never seen a case where a result couldn’t be improved.
The best way to do this is AB testing, i.e., having 2 versions of your sales pitch and comparing their performance.
You keep the one with the best results and put it in competition with another.
The aim is to gradually improve your conversion rates (purchases, registrations, clicks, etc.).
Here are a few examples of elements to test:
Titles, offers, prices, bonuses, email subject lines, calls to action, buy button texts, colors, etc.
Be careful, only change one variable at a time, and don’t hesitate to use tools that will allow you to test easily.
Secret 12 – Don’t reinvent the wheel – Great copy leaves clues
Remember: before you write your sales pitch, you need to do some research to understand what’s going on in your ideal customer’s head.
You need to know what he wants above all else, his fears, his objections, the reasons why he won’t buy what you’re selling or the alternatives available.
You need to immerse yourself in your prospect’s daily life, put yourself in his shoes, understand his problems and desires, and find the right words to use in your messages to connect with him.
To do this, one of the most important steps is to analyze the combinations of offers, messages, and products they see that make them buy, and use them as inspiration to create your own.
Search Amazon, Google, and look at reviews to identify what to do and what to avoid.
Really take the time to do this research, it will help you write better sales pitches and do it faster.
Secret 13 – It’s about them – Never about you
One mistake not to make is trying to show your audience that you’re an expert by using jargon, pompous words, or acronyms.
Remember, you’re trying to sell to someone who’s scared, feels uncomfortable, thinks they’re going to get ripped off, or is afraid of making a mistake.
And if what you’re saying isn’t clear, that person won’t buy.
Therefore, you need to communicate in a way that can be understood, using simple words and short sentences, and your thoughts need to be logical and organized.
To check that what you’re saying is clear, find someone who doesn’t have your expertise and have them read it back to you.
The aim of your sales pitch is not to show how clever you are, but how much you can help your prospects.
Secret 14 – What to do if you don’t have any testimonials yet
If you’ve just created your product, service, or software, it’s normal not to have any testimonials yet.
Some people think that not having any is an insurmountable handicap because they see that everyone else is using them in their sales pitches.
Yes, testimonials are important and can increase the effectiveness of a sales message.
But what really worries you is the lack of evidence!
When your prospects read your sales page, if they’re interested in your product or service, they’re going to ask questions like:
- Can I really believe it?
- Will it work for me?
- Has it worked for others?
- Do I really need it?
Rest assured, though, if you don’t have testimonials about the results your product/service brings, there are other things you can use as evidence.
For example:
- Testimonials about you and your company.
- A recommendation from a celebrity in your niche.
- Statistics and studies.
- Quotes that support what you say.
Don’t let the lack of testimonials stop you – start with what you’ve got.
And if you think you genuinely need them, one way to get them is to offer your product/service for free in exchange for an honest review.
Secret 15 – 3 sales formulas that never fail
Before moving on to this chapter’s secret, you need to have put Secret 8 into practice.
That is, you must have built your avatar by having done your research to identify your ideal customer’s problems, questions, obstacles, and results.
Without this, you won’t be able to use the 3 formulas in this chapter.
A long sales page, a 1-minute video or a 10-minute pitch…
They can be used regardless of the format of the sales pitch you wish to create.
1st Formula: Problem/Agitation/Solution
To be used on cold traffic:
- Define the problem your prospects are facing.
- You agitate it by talking about the implications in order to make it painful.
- You solve it by presenting your product and service as the remedy that will help them.
2nd formula: If you want 3x profits, do this
It works, of course, with warm and hot traffic, and when you’re focusing on a desire, not a problem.
The only thing you need to do is talk about benefits, benefits, and benefits before ending with a call to action.
3rd formula: Before/After/Bridge
This formula can be used for all traffic temperatures.
- Start with the before: Talk about how things are now. Usually there’s a problem, an issue, an obstacle, something that’s making them unhappy.
- Introduce the after: Ask them to imagine what their life might be like once they’ve solved their problem, answered the question, removed the obstacle, gone from unhappy to happy.
- Bridge: You need to link your product to this positive feeling, explaining that it will help them get from where they are to where they want to be.
Test each of these 3 formulas to identify the one that works best with your audience.
You’ll find examples of each one in this section of Copywriting Secrets.
Secret 16 – It’s all ice cream, but which flavor should I choose?
You may be wondering whether it’s better to do a video or text? A long or short sales page?
Jim Edwards uses video first because, for him, it’s the quickest way to test an idea to sell something, make an offer, or launch a new sales funnel.
But that doesn’t mean you should abandon text-based pitches because the right format depends on what you’re selling.
The only rule is to test.
You’ll see that sometimes going against what the experts say will bring you better results.
Secret 17 – How to write an amazing sales letter – FAST
Here’s a 13-part structure for writing a sales letter fast:
- Catchy title.
- Make a shocking statement.
- Define the problem.
- Agitate the problem (make it more painful).
- Present the solution.
- Arouse curiosity with bullet forumlas.
- Present elements of credibility.
- Provide proof.
- Summarize the offer and price.
- Add bonuses and other incentives.
- Provide a guarantee.
- Call to action.
- Postscript (P.S.).
For more details on this structure, refer to this section of the book.
Write your sales pitch in this order to answer their objections, remove their disincentives, and help them decide whether or not to buy your product or service.
Secret 18 – How to write killer email teasers – FAST
According to Jim Edwards, learning how to write email teasers can make a big difference to your business, and it’s a lot easier than you might think.
The only objective is to make your reader want to visit your site and:
- Read your sales message.
- Watch your sales video.
- Feed on your content.
- Read your blog posts.
- Etc.
Here are the key points to remember when writing a good email teaser:
- Use a subject line that grabs attention and makes you want to open it.
- Greet the reader.
- Make a shocking statement.
- Arouse curiosity with bullet formulas.
- Call to action.
- Conclude with a personal note and your first name.
“Subject: Want to become a published author?
Hi Craig,
Did you know that 99% of people who try to publish a book fail?
Yes, it sucks… The main reasons are that:
- They don’t know how to create content that sells.
- They don’t know how to format it.
- And, they don’t know how to publish it.
The good news is, I’ve got a video that shows you how to solve these problems – quickly and easily!
Click here to find out more.
See you there.
Thank you,
Secret 19 – The hardest draft you’ll ever write
The hardest draft to write is obviously the first one!
Once you’ve done that, you’ll find it much easier to edit and improve your sales pitch.
To make your job easier:
- Go back to Secret 17 and repeat the 13-part structure.
- Work on each block independently to reduce your anxiety.
- Use a Swipe File to stimulate your creativity and model tried-and-tested formulas.
Secret 20 – Make ’em more thirsty
You can’t force someone to do something, but you can make them want what you’re selling, and the best way to do that is through storytelling.
You can tell stories about:
- Your life, your business, other people, and anything else that might support what you’re saying.
- Case studies that tell step-by-step how someone achieved results.
- Examples that show how something works, has been applied, set in motion, and the results achieved.
- Myths, misconceptions, and common mistakes.
- A vision that paints what their life will be like when they get the desired result from what you’re selling.
Another way to appeal to your prospects is to use content, and you can do this in 4 ways:
- Give away something free where the next logical step leads to a sale.
- Tell them what to do, why to do it, and sell the “how to.”
- Teach them all the things that make them want to use your product.
- Teach them the hard way to do something and sell them the easy way.
Stories and content are great ways to whet your prospects’ appetites, so don’t hesitate to use them upstream or within your sales pitches.
Secret 21 – Love me, hate me. There is no money in the middle
There are 2 important points to remember in this chapter.
The first is that it’s always easier to buy from a human than a company, which is why big companies often use real or imaginary people to represent them.
The second is that if you try to please everyone, you’ll never be able to really win over your prospects and turn them into fans.
For example, if you look closely in politics, most parties have an “Us versus Them” discourse, and that’s why they attract more of certain people.
Knowing this, you can establish a persona, a personality who has specific, strong opinions on important topics in your market.
Your prospects and customers are looking for someone to guide them.
Don’t be unstable, and don’t change your mind at every new event unless it’s really necessary.
Secret 22 – “Oh damn – I got to have that!”
“It has long been my belief that a lot of money can be made by making offers to people who are at an emotional turning point in their lives.“
– Gary Halbert
One of the keys to successful selling is to make an irresistible promise.
It’s the element of your message that will have the greatest impact on your prospects, which is why it’s often used in the title or first sentence of a sales pitch.
Here’s the structure of a “profitable promise” according to Jim Edwards the :
- Hurdle: the action they want to take.
- Prize: the desired result of the action.
- Timing: the time it will take them to succeed, or the time it will take you to teach it.
- Eliminator: here we’re talking about removing your prospects’ mental or real barriers.
[How to use online dating sites to find the love of your life in 30 days without wasting time with the wrong people.]
Secret 23 – Put lipstick on the pig
Is your sales pitch performing badly and you’re wondering how to improve it?
Sometimes it’s impossible, and the best thing to do is start again…
But sometimes reworking certain points can change everything!
Here’s a checklist of things to check if your performance is poor:
- The hook: do you have one? Is it about your audience (not you)? Does it talk about a benefit or a huge promise?
- The offer: is it clear? Do your prospects understand what they’re getting? How will they receive it? Is it a physical or digital product? What is it? When will they receive it? How much does it cost?
- A reason to buy now: bonuses if they buy right away, a time limit, a limited quantity, etc.
- An emotional motivation to buy: fear, desire, curiosity, pain, pleasure, satisfaction or dissatisfaction, etc.
- Bullet formula: does it arouse curiosity or is it boring and bland?
- Is the price too high for what you offer? The perceived value of your offer should be 10 times greater than the price. Too low? Depending on your target audience, a price that’s too low gives the impression of being down-market.
- Illustrations and colors: do you have illustrations? Do they help or hinder your message? Are your colors harmonious?
- Proof: Do you justify each of your arguments?
Secret 24 – Should I join the dark side?
There are 2 ways to use negative force in your copywriting, one good, one bad.
The good way is to use the conversation going on in your prospects’ heads.
Synchronize with them by talking about their problems, mistakes, fears, and enemies (real or perceived) so that you’re listened to and can make the transition to your solution.
Do this because no one will listen to what you have to say until you first show that you care about the person and their problems.
The wrong way to use negative force is to attack a person or a company.
Instead of doing this directly, which could get you into trouble, talk about the results, behaviors, and methods your prospects have already experienced, and explain why you think this is the wrong way to go about it.
Secret 25 – “Stealth” closes – The secret to selling without selling
“Tap a single overwhelming desire existing in the hearts of thousands of people who are actively seeking to satisfy it at this very moment.”
– Eugene Schwartz
Would you like to be able to turn all your content into stealth sales?
Most people who see ads are on their guard because they know that the aim is to get them to spend their money.
So, it’s often necessary to be subtle to get under their radar and succeed in positioning them where you want them without them noticing.
Unlike a direct call to action where you say something like “Click here to ….” with a stealthy closing, your prospects don’t know they’re being directed to a sales page or offer.
To do this, the first step is to bring them value by hooking them with a promise and delivering on it.
You can, for example, provide a solution to a problem, answer a question, etc.
The second step is to continue the conversation by saying something like “By the way, did you know that ….? Well, it’s true, and we tell you more about it here.”
You need to talk about a benefit related to the value you’ve just brought them and make them want to click on the link to find out more.
Secret 26 – The hired gun
The author is not a fan of outsourcing his copywriting because he believes that nobody knows what you’re selling better than you do.
When you use a service provider, in most cases you’ll have to teach them what they need to know about your product and your market so that they can write your sales pitch.
You’ll have to answer all his questions, and in the end the only thing he’ll have to do is use his swipe file to structure your answers and create the sales message.
And that’s something you can easily do with Funnel Scripts.
(Note: Funnel Scripts is the copywriting software developed by Jim Edwards and his team. This explains the bias in this chapter and, more broadly, in the book).
However, an outside viewpoint can be useful, especially if you don’t have much experience as a copywriter.
It can help you by making a similar analysis to that seen in Secret 23.
In any case, even if you don’t do it all the time, you need to be able to do your copywriting.
You need to be good enough to criticize what a provider sends you and make improvements where necessary.
Whatever your choice, forget about the possibility of offloading the copywriting work entirely.
If you’d like to outsource, Jim Edwards then ends this chapter with advice on how to find and select the right copywriter. You’ll find them in this section of the book.
Secret 27 – The magic desk
“The very first thing you must come to realize is that you must become a ‘student of markets.’ Not products. Not techniques. Not copywriting. Not how to buy space or whatever. Now, of course, all of these things are important, and you must learn about them, but, the first and the most important thing you must learn is what people want to buy.“
– Gary Halbert
How do you get inside your prospects’ heads?
It’s always easier to see what others should be doing than it is for yourself.
The reason is that when you’re constantly thinking about something, it’s hard to see the forest behind the tree.
In this secret, Jim Edwards proposes an exercise that allows you to get out of your own head and into that of your prospect.
The best time to do this is just after you’ve completed your research to define your avatar, as you’ll have a good overview of their daily life:
The keywords they use to do their research, the sites, and magazines they’ve seen and read, the shows they watch, etc.
This “magic desk” exercise is a guided visualization that can find out what anyone wants.
This ability can have a huge impact on the success or failure of your life because satisfying other people’s wishes in the way they want is how you get what you want.
And this exercise aims to increase your level of empathy, i.e., to feel and think about a subject in the same way as someone else feels and thinks about it.
If you can put yourself in your prospects’ heads and feel their pain, you’ll know what relief they want.
If you can understand their problems, you’ll be able to offer solutions that speak directly to their brains.
To discover this visualization exercise, go to the end of this section.
Secret 28 – The one and only purpose of an online ad
The sole purpose of online advertising is to interrupt the people you’re targeting in what they’re doing and get them to click.
Here are 5 truths about advertising:
Truth #1: The objective of your ad is to get the right people to click on your link.
It’s better to get 100 clicks from qualified people than 10,000 clicks from unqualified people.
By targeting the right people, you’ll pay less money because fewer unqualified people will click on your ads.
Truth #2: Curiosity is key.
It’s the #1 way to get your prospects to click. They need to ask themselves “What’s this?” and “How did they do that?”
Truth #3: If you don’t know how to start your ad, ask a question.
Ask your prospects if something bothers them, if they’d like or have ever wanted something.
Be specific, the answer must qualify them and show whether or not a person fits your avatar.
Truth #4: The AIDA copywriting method is useless for your advertising.
What you need to do instead is capture attention by arousing emotion (talk about pains, obstacles, wants, desires, etc.).
Create curiosity with an image or text that makes them wonder “what it is and how they can do it.“
And finish with a call to action.
Truth #5: Selling more and making more money online is all about numbers.
According to Jim Edwards, it can take between 10 and 50 tries to find a profitable ad.
Start now to develop a mindset where you want to fail fast with what doesn’t work and keep persevering until you succeed.
Never rest on your laurels and keep testing new things because what works today may not work tomorrow.
Secret 29 – You can’t catch fish without a hook
The aim of a hook is to grab someone’s attention and make them want more information.
You can use them everywhere: in your headlines, at the start of your sales pitches, in your stories, your ads, your social media posts, your infographics, and so on.
In general, a teaser boils down to an ultra-short story told in one sentence that talks about you or someone (even a fictional one) who’s like your prospect.
Here are some examples:
- “How I used a simple hack to go from broke and living in a trailer to successful real estate investor.”
- “A former pizza delivery man shows a bizarre technique for becoming a published author in 1 weekend.”
- “Meet Bob. Bob used a 1,600-year-old secret to save his marriage, and we’ll tell you how.”
According to the author, knowing how to create a good hook is a skill as much art as science.
To get them right, you’ll find formulas and examples in this section of Copywriting Secrets.
Secret 30 – Create your own swipe file
A swipe file is a collection of advertisements, sales letters, catalogs, flyers, and so on.
In short, it’s a resource where you store everything related to selling something to someone.
It gives you examples of structures that work and from which you can draw inspiration.
Because it’s often difficult to write a cold sales message, having a swipe file to consult can help you warm up and get into the right frame of mind.
So, one habit you need to get into right away is to collect anything that grabs your attention and gets your blue card out.
Secret 31 – Polish your sales copy
Format, spelling, punctuation, formatting…
A good practice is to ask people to proofread and help you check that your content are :
- error-free.
- clear.
- easy to read, listen to, or watch.
This is a step not to be overlooked, as you’ll be judged on everything.
Everything else you need to know about Copywriting
In this part of the book, Jim Edwards answers the questions he’s regularly asked about copywriting.
Find out what they are, as well as the author’s answers, in this section.
The author’s intention is to help you sell, which is why this book is as much about selling as it is about copywriting.
Once you know these techniques, you can apply them to both the written and spoken word.
He hopes to inspire his readers to become better at selling, earning money, and communicating clearly.
Conclusion to Copywriting Secrets by Jim Edwards
The fusion of adding value and selling
Copywriting Secret is a book created to promote the copywriting software offered by Jim Edwards and Russell Brunson.
Some of the opinions given are therefore clearly biased in this direction and should therefore be taken with a grain of salt.
However, the many tips given make this book a good example of how to sell a product by bringing value to your prospects.
Whether you’re new to copywriting or a little more experienced, you’ll find plenty of fundamentals, techniques, and formulas to make your copywriting job easier.
Key takeaways from Copywriting Secrets
To do copywriting, you need to develop a dual-track thinking process, where on the one hand you bring value to your prospects, and on the other, you prepare them to buy.
To do this, it’s important to know the results they want, as well as the problems, questions, and obstacles that are holding them back.
Having a clear picture of your ideal customers and developing empathy will enable you to better align your messages with the conversation they’re having in their heads.
This is essential if you want them to pay attention to what you have to say, and then convince them to buy your solution.
Remember, no one is interested in you, your company, your products, or your services – the only thing they’re interested in is themselves.
In order of importance, the technical copywriting skills you need to develop are: creating catchy headlines, bullet formulas, calls to action, and presenting your offers.
You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, just create a swipe file that you can use to stimulate your creativity, inspired by tried-and-tested models.
To conclude, the last point to remember is to get into the habit of testing everything you do so as not to stagnate and remain in a logic of continuous improvement of your performance.
Strong points:
- Good introduction to the principles of copywriting.
- Lots of quotes, formulas, examples, and stories.
- A list of important points to remember at the end of each chapter.
Weak points:
- Over-emphasizes the importance of copywriting in business.
- A clear bias towards selling their software.
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The Handy Guide to Jim Edwards’ Copywriting Secrets
Ten copywriting secrets to remember:
- Make money
- And Save money
- Save time
- Save effort
- Escape physical or mental pain
- Have more comfort
- Have a healthier lifestyle to feel better and be healthier
- Receive praise
- Feel more loved
- Gain popularity or social status
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) concerning Copywriting Secrets
1. How has the book been received by the public?
Copywriting Secrets has been very well received by the public. It quickly became a bestseller, with 100% positive reviews and strong recommendations on Amazon.
2. What has been the book’s impact?
The author covers the basics of copywriting, which are still relevant today. Ideal for those who want to start writing content to sell.
3. Who is the target audience of Copywriting Secrets?
This book is for anyone who wants to develop further and make money.
4. How does the author define copywriting?
Copywriting is anything intended to persuade the right reader, viewer, or listener to perform a specific action.
5. What is the author’s objective?
Jim Edwards tells his story, to help us understand the importance of gaining experience, that anyone can learn copywriting, and that it can change our lives.
Prospects’ questions vs. what to use as proof
Questions prospects ask | Elements to use as proof |
Can I really believe it? | Testimonials about you and your company. |
Will it work for me? | A recommendation from a celebrity in your niche. |
Has it worked for others? | Statistics and studies |
Do I really need it? | Quotes that support what you say. |
Who is Jim Edwards?
Jim Edwards, founder of Guaranteed Response Marketing, LLC, is an Internet expert, marketing entrepreneur, newspaper columnist, author, motivational speaker, mentor, and elite coach. Having achieved personal and financial freedom, he shares his proven strategies with motivated, hard-working individuals to help them achieve personal and financial independence. He has written and published dozens of e-books, several print books, and hundreds of articles.