Crushing It!

Summary of Crushing It! by Gary Vaynerchuk: after having learned the ins and outs of all the major social network platforms, the author offers readers insight into how to leverage social media in order to build a personal brand, become influential, capitalize on one’s passions, and succeed as an entrepreneur.

By Gary Vaynerchuk, 2018, 243 pages.

Review and summary of Crushing It! by Gary Vaynerchuk


In the introduction to his book Crushing It, Gary Vaynerchuk develops three important ideas.

1. Being an influencer has become a real job

The shift that the internet has taken in recent years forces us to look at social networks from a different perspective.

Although there is still no degree or course of study relevant to social media, being an influencer is now, for the author, a genuine profession: personal marketing via social media is a skill that can lead to a lucrative business and career.

Today’s youth are aware of this. The author points out:

[Kids know that they can envision a career posting videos on YouTube, posting on Instagram, tweeting messages…and sharing content on Snapchat, even reaping fame and fortune in the process. They dream of forging a legendary online presence, just as their forebears dreamed at the same age of becoming Hollywood stars.]

Gary Vaynerchuk claims to be rather upset by the lack of understanding coming from parents whose children are eager to start an internet business. These reluctant parents need to understand that in this day and age, the Internet provides a way to earn a living:

  • Which, on the one hand, reflects a passion: their children will be able to do what they love every day.
  • Which, on the other hand, is capable of becoming a thriving business.

He says:

[Today anyone can learn to make money doing what they would have otherwise done for free.]

2. Social media is a great way to develop a powerful personal brand

Gary Vaynerchuk shares theoretical and tactical tips to get the most out of social media for the sake of one’s business.

In doing so, he:

  • Breaks down the main social network platformsone by one, to help you choose the most effective one for your own content.
  • Recounts, throughout the chapters, the path of entrepreneurs and the strategies they have adopted through social media to increase their online activity.
  1. The tipping point we are experiencing today can “take us to the pinnacle of success.”

Clearly, for the author of Crushing It, we are living in a time of opportunity, and we owe it to ourselves to seize it:

[In terms of professional opportunities, we are living in the best period in the history of mankind. I hope that no one will miss this chance…Our choices and opportunities are endless if we understand the current digital environment. We just need to find the courage to make the right choice.]

Gary Vaynerchuk ends his introduction by encouraging us to get started:

[If you were to take away one lesson from this book, it would be this: the only thing standing in your way of a sustainable career and a happy life is yourself.]

Part 1 | Get Pumped

Chapter 1 – The Path is All Yours

The first chapter of Crushing It outlines two key points for anyone considering an online business.

  • Influencer marketing is on the rise

Gary Vaynerchuk explains it by two phenomena:

  • Traditional media are increasingly disregarded; young generations prefer influencer marketing.
  • As social networks explode, they start to attract a lot of people and money, making influencer marketing an effective and legitimate monetization strategy:
    • For brands: they spend huge amounts of money to have Internet celebrities “sing the praises of their products” to their audience.
    • For entrepreneurs: while they may not feel photogenic or charismatic enough to post selfies or videos, entrepreneurs can simply create content and use it cleverly and strategically to increase their revenue:

[The Internet is, for an entrepreneur, a source of significant potential income: thanks to platforms that make your personal brand so powerful that everyone will want to pay you, either to buy your products or services, to promote someone else’s, or simply, to be yourself.]

  • Getting started on the internet doesn’t require money but an effective strategy to find your audience

Getting started and earning money on the Internet does not require any budget. However, it does require time, talent, and an effective strategy. This strategy:

  • Will aim to find the consumers who will become your audience.
  • Must be built around a strong personal brand via social media.

This work requires sacrifice, but for the author of Crushing It, it represents [our ticket to personal and professional freedom.] It’s up to us to decide whether we want to control our lives or not. And according to Gary Vaynerchuk, those who don’t dare to take the plunge are actually making excuses: [It’s not because you’re too old, too poor or have too many responsibilities, but because you’re not ready to take the plunge yet], he says.

Chapter 2 – What (Still) Matters

The backbone of an online business is content.

To build a powerful personal brand and/or self-imagethe content must, according to Gary Vaynerchuk, meet 7 fundamental criteria.

  • Factor 1: Intent

[In business, the why is as important as the how, if not more so.]

So, the first step is to define the purpose for which you want to become an entrepreneur: to make a lot of money, to provide value to people, to share knowledge, to convey positivity, to help others, etc.

There could be several.

  • Factor 2: Authenticity

[Your intent will be reflected in your authenticity. You will be a thousand times more successful if you wake up in the morning with the desire to share and create something because you intend to benefit the world, not because you feel you have to do it to become famous on Instagram.]

Therefore, Gary Vaynerchuk advises to remain authentic, and above all, never lie. The author claims that the truth always comes out in the end. According to him:

[The more sincere you are, the more others will be willing to forgive you for your inevitable mistakes and missteps.]

With this idea in mind, Gary Vaynerchuk encourages the reader to choose the most effective platform to best showcase their qualities, personality, skill, love, and joy.

Then, he cites three reasons why he himself is adamant about being authentic in his online business. He:

    • Prefers to keep that freedom to do and say what he wants. He doesn’t mind the general opinion.
    • Likes to hear the criticism of skeptics and responds to it at length.
    • Wants to respect his audience: customers are not stupid and will quickly realize that they are being scammed. [Their ignorance will make you a lot of money in the short term, but you’ll be in trouble as soon as they realize you’re ripping them off], the author warns.
  • Factor 3: Passion

For the author of Crushing Itpassion is essential when starting an online business. There are several reasons for this:

  • Doing what your passionate about is fulfilling

The author regrets that many people earn a lot of money with their business without it ever making them feel happy or fulfilled. He believes that it is better to be true to oneselfeven if it means having to wait a long time before reaching one’s financial goals.

  • A business endeavor is not just a job but a calling

Without passion, any business adventure, which will inevitably have its fair share of ups and downs, is doomed to failure. The author quotes Andy Frisella (founder of supplement brands Supplement Superstores and 1st Phorm) to illustrate this idea:

[You’re going to go through a period of time where you won’t make a dime. It won’t last a week, or a month, or a year, but several years. During that time, if you don’t love what you’re doing, you’re going to have a hard time keeping up. That’s one thing people don’t understand when you tell them: follow your passion. They see rainbows, unicorns – bullshit. But the fact is, it’s important, because if you don’t love what you’re doing, you’re that much more likely to give up when you’re in tough times.]

  • Passion translates into quality

[If you are passionate about what you offer to the world … the quality of your product and content is likely to be what it needs to be to become noticed, appreciated and recommended.]

  • Passion keeps stress and frustration at bay

The passion keeps you afloat during the stressful and frustrating moments of entrepreneurship.

In short:

[Passion serves as your backup generator when all other energy sources fail. And it keeps you happy: when you love what you do, every decision is easier to make. When you decide to keep the job you hate only to pay the bills… when you agree to work for less income because the experience will pay off afterwards, when you’re being put through the ringer, passion helps you endure it.]

  • Factor 4: Patience

Here the author tells us that in order to make a living from your passion, you have to have patience. Why? Because things often move at a much slower pace than we would like. Entrepreneurs who get rich quick are usually not true to themselves and sacrifice their chances of long-term prosperity. The only ones who succeed in a short period of time are those who have worked hard and long prior to any success.

To succeed, Gary Vaynerchuk recommends always striving to be more competent than others, paying attention to the customer and your employeesworking tirelessly, being patient and methodical, and always putting yourself last.

  • Factor 5: Speed

Speed is not contradictory to patience:

[Patience is long term, and speed is short term. The friction generated between the two produces diamonds.]

The entrepreneur should always seek work efficiency to save time and simplify his/her life.

To do so, you must not be afraid to make mistakes. Many people do not undertake anything for fear of the judgment of others. However, it is by trying different things that we learn: there are lessons to gain in both our successes and failures.

[Believe me: you will gain more by being wrong ten times and getting it right three times than by trying your luck only three times and succeeding every time.]

  • Factor 6: Work

Gary Vaynerchuk points out that entrepreneurship is all about hard work: it requires prioritizationgood time management, and high energy.

That said, if you create a business around your passion, you won’t feel like you’re making sacrifices.

For Gary Vaynerchuk, you must:

  • First schedule time to devote to your obligations, usually your job and your family.
  • Then act: the author encourages us to take action, to do things every day with the sole purpose of developing our business. And if you have a job and a family, there will be no other solution than to work at night.

[When you first start out, there is no more leisure time… If you’re working 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or even 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., the only way you can hope to ever make it big is to work your ass off between 7 p.m. and 2 a.m. Monday through Friday, and all day on Saturdays and Sundays.]

In addition, the author suggests that it is wise to know your limits and always remain true to yourself. For example, if you feel that such a strong work ethic is unhealthy and excessive, then perhaps you should scale back your ambitions.

He concludes by stating:

[Know that you can’t have it all, you have to make a choice… Success obeys the laws of thermodynamics: the amount of energy you put in will be equivalent to the amount that comes out.]

  • Factor 7: Attention

There is an undeniable skill in being a successful influencer: paying attention to everything and knowing how to spot underrated interests and potential trends.

Gary Vaynerchuk insists on the importance of always continuing to experiment, regardless of how sure you are to be on the right track.

Chapter 3 – The Eight Essential: Content

The key to a strong personal brand involves producing high quality content.

And for that, your content will have to:

  • Be specific and platform-appropriate

The content offered must be relevant, i.e., it should correspond to the type of content that the users of each platform are seeking out.

  • Be the right mix of passion and expertise

It is essential to always be up to date, sharing information and ideas that are hard to find elsewhere.

  • Be unique and memorable

There is no need to expect your content to be perfect, it should simply be engaging, creative, and original while still conveying your world view. The author suggests using social media to “tell your life story”, “express yourself”, “discover who you are” and see how you develop.

  • Include videos

Posting videos on social media is a very effective tactic to build your personal brand as an influencer. These videos allow your followers to get to know you better. As such, they will be able to provide you with ideas or suggestions:

[Let your audience get to know your grumpy uncle, see what you eat, follow you as you work up a sweat doing exercises you love to hate. Invite them when you move into an apartment or dorm room after your divorce. Take them with you on vacations and business trips. Consider yourself both the star and producer of the show.]

  • Achieve subscriber loyalty

Your content should be interesting and make people want to follow you. By filming your progress, you allow the audience to witness your journey. For a client, it is inspiring and [exciting to watch someone who, through their commitment, their strategy, and their intelligence, finds their way], says the author of Crushing It.

  • Be innovative

The energy and enthusiasm that start-up entrepreneurs have (while seasoned professionals no longer do) makes it easier to reach an audience. As long as what you do is authentic and of high quality, there is no point in passing judgment: just produce and let the market decide.

Chapter 4 – What’s Stopping You?

The author of Crushing It explains that he pondered the reasons why so many people have trouble making up their minds to do something.

Here are usually the reasons people give for not doing what they said they would do:

[I work full time. I don’t have money. I have children. I don’t have time. There are too many strict rules in my business. I have an idea for an app, but I don’t know how to develop it. My parents don’t understand. I don’t dare because of my family. I’m afraid to lose my friends. I haven’t finished reading the books my life coach recommended. I don’t know where to start. No one was interested. Few people were reading what I wrote. I don’t know which idea to pursue. I don’t have the right equipment. That which is monetizable is not for me. I’m afraid of criticism. I am too old. I’m an artist, not a businessman.]

Along with his team (who analyzed feedback concerning his content and interactions with his audience), Gary Vaynerchuk was able to identify three main reasons behind this inertia.

  • Fear of failure

In reality, Gary Vaynerchuk explains that what people fear in failure is the judgment of the people whose opinions matter to them, and that is quite understandable. However, it is essential to overcome this fear because there will always be people close to you who will advise against what you want to do. Ultimately, you must be the sole judge and jury.

Gary Vaynerchuk advises open communication. He says:

[Sit down with the people who matter most to you and tell them, ‘I’m about to do something I’ve been dreaming about for years. I’ve been procrastinating so much because I was afraid of what you might say, but I want you to know that I’m past that point now. I don’t need your approval, but I do need to know that you will support me when I fail. Because it is inevitable. Not dramatically, I hope, but certainly in the short term. On the other hand, in the long run, I will succeed, and it would mean a lot to me to know that you support me and hope for my success, not my failure. Then, regardless of their response, go for it.]

Lastly, the author of Crushing It points out that people who have [accomplished something great have never played it safe.] He adds that not only is the risk of failure low in the long run, but in the worst case, unless you are self-destructive or don’t know your limits, you will almost always get through it.

The author concludes as follows:

[Be far-sighted and strategic, be willing to work harder and longer than you ever have prior, and you will not disappoint anyone. I even predict you will surprise everyone.]

  • Fear of wasting time

For Gary Vaynerchuk, this fear is not an issue, especially for those who:

  • Are under 35 years old: they have nothing to lose; they can easily return to the “real world” in 24 months if their endeavor fails or doesn’t ultimately please them.
  • Do not care about their time: how can they consider that creating a business wastes time that would otherwise have been spent being inactive, watching a series, or playing video games.
  • Are unhappy: [If you are not 100% happy in your life, it is never a waste of time to try something that could lead you to your goal], says the author.
  • Fear of appearing vain

According to Gary Vaynerchuk, [a wise entrepreneur doesn’t care what others think.] We should believe in our success without fear of appearing vain or conceited.

Many successful entrepreneurs say that they knew early on that they had to follow their instincts. Often considered fools at first, they later became success stories: [Everyone is a fool until they become a pioneer], says the author.

Chapter 5 – The Only Thing You Need to Give Yourself to Crush It: Permission

This chapter of Crushing It tells the story of an entrepreneur’s journey that highlights the ideas and recommendations Gary Vaynerchuk has outlined in the previous chapters.

Part 2 | Create Your Pillar

Chapter 6 – First, Do This

In this short chapter of Crushing It, Gary Vaynerchuk urges us to create a Facebook business page.

Facebook is, for the author, a must for building your personal brand. Even if the target audience is under 22, Gary Vaynerchuk contends that Facebook will have no problem conquering this age group in the future.

Chapter 7 – Get Discovered

Gary Vaynerchuk offers various strategies to create the best opportunities and to break through:

  • Make good use of hashtags.
  • Canvass potential customers by contacting them directly (a long and difficult strategy).
  • Collaborate and establish partnerships: offering a valuable product/service to a partner is a very effective way to build a fan base quickly and become an influencer.
  • Use social media platforms: they are ideal for connecting with millions of like-minded people. Once you’ve found the platform that best suits what you’re doing, you just have to make an offer that the customer “can’t refuse”, [and make sure they don’t regret giving you a shot.]

[Developing your business in this way is difficult, tedious, and time-consuming.. If you have the money to advertise on these platforms or pay influencers to promote your product, you will have more leverage; however, if you are just starting out without a dime in your pocket, this is the most important step you will take to build your brand.]

Chapter 8 – (now TikTok)

Gary Vaynerchuk talks about this platform when it was, at the time of writing, in its infancy. It is not mentioned in the book, but the platform has evolved since then to become the well-known TikTok brand.

  • A platform that shouldn’t be underestimated

Before the author knew about its transformation into TikTok, Gary Vaynerchuk was already praising the platform:

[Like most of its users, is young, creative, and eager to grow.]

Moreover, the author stresses how this platform is nothing to sneeze at and has serious potential.

Designed to create content around music (clips, making duets with other musicians, etc.), is a perfect platform for young musicians starting out. But for the author, the platform is interesting beyond the world of music: according to him, everyone has an interest in using this platform primarily for teenagers. Why? Because [these 13-year-olds will become entrepreneurs at 18, and then marketers at 25.]

[If you’re looking to build an audience, go where it goes, no matter where it takes you. Consume the content on the platform you’re considering for a couple of weeks to get a sense of what appeals to its users, then develop a strategy that will allow you to create content that can successfully break into that market.]

Platforms evolve; however, by adopting a platform in its early stages, you can evolve with it. That’s why the author recommends that we download every social platform that comes along, test them out, and try to understand each one. You are free to abandon the ones that don’t suit you, but the idea is to never reject something without first getting to know it.

  • Using

Gary Vaynerchuk explains how works for both beginners and more advanced users.

Lastly, he reminds us of the importance of social media:

  • Hashtags: combining sensational content with your own clever and original hashtags is a very effective way to garner attention. [The more you master the hashtag culture, the stronger and longer your quality content will be], claims the author.
  • Community involvement: [The best way to connect with a community is to be part of it. Get involved, comment, share, and create without demanding anything in return.]

Chapter 9 – Snapchat

  • An underestimated platform

Despite having hundreds of millions of active users viewing billions of videos and photos every day, Snapchat is another massively underrated platform.

Gary Vaynerchuk slips in a tip here about how to assess the value of a platform. According to him:

[There’s one sure sign: when the average person – not belonging to the geek world or the business world – is the one spending a crazy amount of time on a platform, you better follow it closely.]

  • A platform for teenagers but with benefits for all

Snapchat was designed for teens in 2011 as a “spontaneous, imperfect and impermanent” photo-sharing app.

Teens immediately embraced the platform as it met two of their expectations:

    • To hang out on a platform where adults didn’t.
    • To express themselves freely and creatively.

In addition to being able to post photos and videos (which are no longer impermanent as they were in the early days of the platform), Snapchat offers many features: filters, geofilters, lenses, emoticons, video effects like slow motion, etc.

  • Sharing trivial content without fear of repercussions

To communicate on Snapchat, the author advises adults not to overthink it and simply be themselves: Snapchat is a way of capturing the “unadulterated reality”, and that’s it.

This means that the mundane and spontaneous videos that we think are too trivial actually have a place on Snapchat: the rawunfiltered moments, the small details and ordinary acts of our lives are appreciated by content creators and Snapchat users. This is the strong point of the platform: “this freedom to share anything” without fear of being misunderstood. With Snapchat, we can experiment and build our personal brand without worrying about repercussions.

[On Facebook, you showcase our families and vacation memories. On Instagram, you connect through photos and short videos. Whereas on Snapchat, you share meaningless content.]

  • Another advantage: little competition

Snapchat is often among the top 5 ranked platforms. The competition is elsewhere. Therefore, it’s much easier to come up with content that stands out.

The author suggests, for example, to use it to vary what we say and show other aspects of ourselves. On Snapchat, we can allow ourselves to be different by showing ourselves “in our most banal light.”

  • A “marketing and branding” objective rather than a “conversion” objective

In summary, to get noticed and build your brand on Snapchat according to Gary Vaynerchuk, it is necessary to:

    • Know how to combine talents, marketing strategies, and branding, and not be ‘’just a conversion-based digital salesman.’’
    • Bring value to your readers.

Chapter 10 – Twitter

  • A platform for discussion

[Twitter is the water cooler of our society today – the place where everyone meets to keep up with current events and popular culture.]

As such, Gary Vaynerchuk believes that Twitter is the only network that remains “truly social.” It is a platform for discussion before being a platform for consumption.

  • Disadvantages of Twitter

Because it is so easy to interact on Twitter, its users [interrupt each other, talk at the same time, and get distracted.] As a result, it is difficult to be heard, to convey a message, to stand out, and to build a personal brand on Twitter:

[Although the massive scale of this constant chatter has greatly benefited the spread of ideas, and therefore influencers and media outlets, its overabundance make it more difficult to stand out on this social network.]

And while this platform is useful for attracting and capturing leads, the process is still very slow and requires a lot of work.

  • The benefits of Twitter for publishing your core content

If you’re willing to work your butt off and your content is exceptional, then you have a few advantages to using Twitter.

Indeed, this platform:

    • Has a very good search feature.
    • Gets instant attention with its retweet feature: retweets can generate spectacular virality and reach the top influencers.
    • Has a great word-of-mouth system: on Twitter, a simple comment can get you noticed, much more than on any other social network, and help you gain notoriety.

Chapter 11 – YouTube

  • YouTube, the must-have platform

For Gary Vaynerchuk, YouTube is an ideal platform to build a personal brand. Since video is an extremely promising format today, YouTube has become a stand-out way to grow one’s business.

  • First of all, because it doesn’t require any talent.

Apart from areas related to appearance (beauty or bodybuilding, for example), most YouTubers are ordinary. What matters is to make your journey interesting, which anyone can do.

The author suggests relying on the reactions and feedback of your audience to find the right approach. It takes perseverance, at least a year, according to Gary Vaynerchuk.

[Don’t assume that videos about yourself or what you like won’t work. Let the market decide. Trust me, it will be honest with you.]

  • Second, because YouTube, according to the author, is poised to replace television.

[Very soon … YouTube will be television and TV will be YouTube. YouTube is a monster. Facebook is developing more features that will make it much more like YouTube, but with YouTube having a decade’s head start as a well-established video platform, Facebook will have to work hard to compete. As you might expect, it’s going to be an uphill battle.]

  • The basics for getting the most out of YouTube

To drive traffic to a YouTube channel, you need to:

  • Optimize the video

    • The title: it must be short, concise, optimized by a keyword, full of emotion, reflect its content, clearly visible on a mobile.
    • The description: the keywords must appear in the first lines of the description, make clickable and traceable links to similar content, provide a subscription link to your other social networks.
    • Tags: the description must contain useful tags that reflect the content of the video.
    • Thumbnails: they must reflect the content, their texts must be easily readable on any type of device.
    • Card inserts: they must redirect viewers to your other videos.
  • Optimize the channel

    • The banner: it should reflect the content and genre of the video; the graphics should be transferable to all devices.
    • The description of the section/channel: the first lines should include keywords and reflect the whole channel; provide a download program, clickable links to other social networks.
    • Playlists: offer personalized playlists on the channel’s homepage, with descriptions optimized according to keywords.
    • The trailer: it should be on the homepage, reflect the content and genre of the channel; choose a relevant presentation video and make it as succinctly as possible.

Chapter 12 – Facebook

  • A social network juggernaut

[Among social networks, Facebook remains a juggernaut, a platform neck and neck with YouTube for building one’s personal brand and creating wealth.]

Sometimes perceived as old-fashioned (as it is very popular with baby boomers and generation X), Facebook, with its billions of monthly actives, absolutely must be part of your strategy if you want to boost your brand and monetize it. Excluding yourself from it would greatly limit your potential and growth.

Facebook offers the opportunity to “do marketing, sales, and branding all in one place.”

  • Flexibility and creativity

Facebook allows you to publish original written, photo and video content as well as to distribute other content:

[Its DNA is word of mouth. It’s the place where sharing culture has flourished without limit.]

Every time content is shared, your brand visibility naturally increases. So, when you start from scratch, Facebook is, according to the author, “the best place to start your business.”

  • The best targeted advertising

Facebook is able to advertise, at a lower costto an audience of users that it knows how to target in a very precise way: according to their interests, zip code, employer, etc.

For Facebook ads, the author of Crushing It suggests using video, which is now “mega-trendy.”

  • Facebook Live

Among its more advanced features, Gary Vaynerchuk mentions Facebook Live, which allows you to share raw and immediate content in real-time. It can prove to be a powerful strategic tool when used properly.

However, the author does not recommend it for beginners because, according to him, live video is still very difficult to master. You have to be highly spontaneous and talented to manage to captivate an audience and pull them out of their routine when you want to get their attention.

  • Collaborations

Collaborating via Facebook is a means with a huge potential to quickly grow your audience.

For this, Gary Vaynerchuk suggests contacting the most popular Facebookers and proposing them “a compelling offer.” This is to get them to share your content on their platform or to collaborate with you.

Chapter 13 – Instagram

Instagram is the “most interesting platform in terms of scale and impact” among social networks. It is one of the most popular in the world.

[Anyone who wants to build their personal brand needs to have a presence on Instagram.]

In fact, since it launched its feature that allows for “stories” (in 2016), Instagram has become a must-have. Very easy to use, Instagram stories are among the most popular features.

Less politicized than Facebook, Instagram offers users the opportunity to publish the highlights of their day for fun, draw, filter, tag, caption, link to other publications.

To grow one’s business through Instagram, Gary Vaynerchuk stresses the importance of having quality content, relevant keywords, popular hashtags, and photos with that hashtags.

The author further suggests that you choose accounts related to your field (or in your area), then send them a personalized private message explaining what you found appealing about them, what interest you have, and the value you offer. Very few Instagrammers will respond, but the few that do will already greatly increase your visibility.

Chapter 14 – Podcasts

The two main advantages of podcasts

  1. Many people are uncomfortable in front of a camera.

Most people think they are stupid, worry about how they look or the lighting when they have to shoot a video. In reality, it doesn’t really matter; however, it prevents them from having a great experience with their audience. Much less intimidating, podcasts are emerging as viable alternatives.

  1. Podcasts cheat time.

It’s much easier to listen to a podcast than to watch a video when you’re busy checking your email, paying your bills, or driving. In the information age, podcasts are a great way to expand your knowledge.

The difficulty of standing out on podcast platforms

The challenge with podcasts is that it is very difficult to stand out from the crowd. This is true no matter what platform you’re on (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, Stitche, etc.).

Apart from producing the best possible content, advertising remains the only option to increase the visibility of your personal brand. However, the cost is extremely high.

Apple’s analytics tools (with iTunes Connect) provide valuable information to podcasters (when listeners paused, skipped, abandoned their content, etc.). This enables podcasters to tailor their podcasts to the audience’s expectations.

Chapter 15 – Voice-First

For the author of Crushing It, the technological innovation that is voice-first platforms will [transform the way the world consumes information.]

  • Ever more speed

[Podcasts occupy our brains during long periods of inactivity, such as when we are driving or traveling. From now on, voice platforms will perform the same function during all the transient periods of our lives, those times we used to waste brushing our teeth, sorting our e-mails, or checking our phone notifications.]

For the user, voice control is primarily interesting because it saves time: thanks to it, it becomes possible to get the same information as if we were reading it or using an application, keeping our hands free and therefore being able to multitask.

[Just like the first washing machines and coffee makers, voice platforms will save us time. When the general public realizes this, they will flock to them. Be ready when they do.]

So, for the author, it’s just a matter of time: voice control will become a trend and will only continue to grow. It is therefore a great opportunity to showcase your brand.

For this reason, it is now crucial to develop a personal brand through voice-first interaction.

  • Two virtual assistants

At the time of writing Gary Vaynerchuk’s book, the two main virtual assistants on the voice control market are:

    • Amazon Alexa with the Echo speaker: Gary Vaynerchuk indicates how Alexa skills work. For example, he uses the skill “flash briefing” which consists in communicating very briefly an important piece of information to users.
    • Google Assistant with Home.
    • How to use voice platforms?

Gary Vaynerchuk then explains how to make the most of voice platforms. The content should be:

    • Very concise.
    • Specific and tailored to what the audience is looking for, i.e., “digesting data quickly”.
    • High quality: the author encourages us to [use our imagination and creativity to make something new and relevant.]
    • Gary Vaynerchuk’s take on the future of voice platforms

The author closes by sharing his opinion on the future of voice platforms. According to him:

    • [All educational platforms will flock to this technology by 2020.]
    • Virtual assistants will become ubiquitous.

He goes on to issue a cautionary note: the reason some companies hit it big, stagnate, and then perish is because they have preferred to rest on their laurels instead of continuing to ”grind” day in and day out.

[If you think you don’t have to invest in all platforms because you’ve focused your efforts on the ones that bring you the most profit, in my opinion you are oblivious. I remember several bloggers who were extremely popular in 2004…They had a front row seat but they ignored the rise of YouTube, Twitter and podcasts. As a result, they are now irrelevant. Having found a solution that worked, they chose to rest on their laurels rather than stay hungry. They thumbed their noses at traditional media, but then became traditional media themselves. We see this all the time.]

Conclusion: it’s crucial to look to the horizon (augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, etc.)

Gary Vaynerchuk concludes by explaining his methodhe observes, spots the platforms that attract attention and influence people’s behavior. If they work well, he takes more interest in them and takes action.

Conclusion of Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk

Author’s conclusion

  • Know how to be patient and persistent

In conclusion, Gary Vaynerchuk first reminds us how social networks have become indispensable.

Then, he insists on the trials and tribulations that one will inevitably go through when embarking on the entrepreneurial journey. Innovation will make you uncomfortable; others will try to discourage you. It is only through hard work, patience, tenacity, and because you continue to believe in your dreams that you can hope to break through and ‘’crush it.’’

  • Change your life

The conclusion of Crushing It is also an invitation to change our lives “for the better.” The author encourages us to “go for it” while warning us about the reality of our future life as influencers and entrepreneurs:

[Remember, you are not trading your job for an easier life – becoming an entrepreneur and influencer is anything but. You’re trading it in for a different, more flexible and fun life.]

What the book Crushing It has to offer

Crushing It is a valuable book for all those who plan to start a business based on their personal brand.

As a matter of fact, how can you imagine creating such a business and becoming an influencer without using social media? You would be ignoring a huge potential market.

This book explains how to take advantage of social media to develop one’s own business and image, and how to incorporate each into a branding and marketing strategy. To this end, Gary Vaynerchuk goes over each social media network with a fine-tooth comb. He doesn’t just merely describe the features, advantages, and disadvantages of each platform: as a social media expert himself, he helps the reader to understand the dynamics of social media in the eyes of consumers; he provides constructive criticism on each of these social networks and goes into the outlook for their future.

Always looking forward

One of the book’s take-home messages is to keep forging ahead. The author of Crushing It urges the reader to continue exploring all forms of social networks in order to anticipate trendsnot to miss out on opportunities and not to be outdone or disrupted.

One slight drawback with this kind of book: it can quickly become obsolete.

Strong points:

  • The author’s optimistic view of our ever-changing world.
  • A message that encourages us to look ahead and move forward.
  • A breakdown of the most emblematic and useful platforms for influencer entrepreneurs, done by a social network expert.
  • Testimonials and practical illustrations.

Weak points:

  • The book does not specifically address how to capitalize on one’s passions.
  • Information can “age” because social networks are constantly changing.
  • Lots of references to the author’s business.

My rating : Crushing It! by Gary Vaynerchuk Crushing It! by Gary Vaynerchuk Crushing It! by Gary VaynerchukCrushing It! by Gary VaynerchukCrushing It! by Gary VaynerchukCrushing It! by Gary VaynerchukCrushing It! by Gary VaynerchukCrushing It! by Gary VaynerchukCrushing It! by Gary Vaynerchuk

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A handy practical guide to the book Crushing It! by Gary Vaynerchuk

The 7 fundamental criteria your content must meet to build a powerful personal brand on the internet according to Gary Vaynerchuk:

  1. Intent
  2. Authenticity
  3. Passion
  4. Patience
  5. Speed
  6. Work
  7. Attention

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Crushing It!

  1. How has the public received Gary Vaynerchuk’s book Crushing It!

Released on October 12, 2018 (in France), Crushing It has been a resounding success with the public to the point of becoming a New York Times bestseller.

  1. What has been the impact of Crushing It?

Lively, practical, and stimulating with concrete and exciting examples, this book has inspired many entrepreneurs around the world to capitalize on their passion and succeed in establishing their personal brand through the power of social media.

  1. For whom is Crushing It intended?

This book is for all entrepreneurs and business owners in general, and especially for those who want to build their brand with the help of social media.

  1. What is the impact of YouTube today according to Gary Vaynerchuk?

For Gary Vaynerchuk, YouTube is an ideal platform to build a personal brand. Since video is an extremely promising format today, YouTube has become a stand-out way to grow one’s business.

  1. What is the impact of Facebook today according to Gary Vaynerchuk?

Facebook remains a juggernaut platform vying neck and neck with YouTube for building one’s personal brand and creating wealth.

The advantages of Twitter versus the advantages of Facebook

Advantages of Twitter Advantages of Facebook
Has a very good search function Allows you to publish written content as well as photos or video
Attracts attention instantly Increases your brand visibility
Generates spectacular virality Advertises at a lower cost
Features an extraordinary word-of-mouth system Allows you to share raw and immediate content in real time
Allows you to gain notoriety Targets a very specific audience of users

Who is Gary Vaynerchuk?

Commonly known as Gary Vee, Gary Vaynerchuk was born on November 14, 1975 in Babruysk, Soviet Union. He became a citizen of the United States after immigrating to New York City from the United States in 1978 at the age of three. He is a graduate of North Hunterdon High School in Michigan and holds a Bachelor of Science in Management from Mount Ida College in Newton, Massachusetts. An entrepreneur, author, speaker, and web icon, he is the co-founder of restaurant reservation software company Resy and Empathy Wines.

A pioneer in digital marketing and social networking, Gary Vaynerchuk is the author of the New York Times bestseller “Crushing It”, in which he teaches entrepreneurs how to successfully build their personal brand through the power of social media. In addition, he has written other books, namely: Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion, AskGaryVee, Twelve and a Half, etc.

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